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American Mineralogist: International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials Research

Total Results: 9

Volume 103 : June 2018 Issue

848 Relationships between unit-cell parameters and composition for rock-forming minerals on Earth, Mars, and other extraterrestrial bodies
Shaunna M. Morrison, Robert T. Downs, David F. Blake, Anirudh Prabhu, Ahmed Eleish, David T. Vaniman, Douglas W. Ming, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Robert M. Hazen, Cherie N. Achilles, Allan H. Treiman, Albert S. Yen, Richard V. Morris, Thomas F. Bristow, Steve J. Chipera, Philippe C. Sarrazin, Kim V. Fendrich, John Michael Morookian, Jack D. Farmer, David J. Des Marais, and Patricia I. Craig

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857 Crystal chemistry of martian minerals from Bradbury Landing through Naukluft Plateau, Gale crater, Mars
Shaunna M. Morrison, Robert T. Downs, David F. Blake, David T. Vaniman, Douglas W. Ming, Robert M. Hazen, Allan H. Treiman, Cherie N. Achilles, Albert S. Yen, Richard V. Morris, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Thomas F. Bristow, Steve J. Chipera, Philippe C. Sarrazin, Ralf Gellert, Kim V. Fendrich, John Michael Morookian, Jack D. Farmer, David J. Des Marais, and Patricia I. Craig

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Volume 103 : July 2018 Issue

1011 Gypsum, bassanite, and anhydrite at Gale crater, Mars
David T. Vaniman, Germán M. Martínez, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Thomas F. Bristow, David F. Blake, Albert S. Yen, Douglas W. Ming, William Rapin, Pierre-Yves Meslin, John Michael Morookian, Robert T. Downs, Steve J. Chipera, Richard V. Morris, Shaunna M. Morrison, Allan H. Treiman, Cherie N. Achilles, Kevin Robertson, John P. Grotzinger, Robert M. Hazen, Roger C. Wiens, and Dawn Y. Sumner

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Volume 102 : February 2017 Issue

235 Wishstone to Watchtower: Amorphous alteration of plagioclase-rich rocks in Gusev crater, Mars
Steven W. Ruff and Victoria E. Hamilton

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Volume 102 : June 2017 Issue

1202 Visible to near-infrared MSL/Mastcam multispectral imaging: Initial results from select high-interest science targets within Gale Crater, Mars
Danika F. Wellington, James F. Bell III, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Kjartan M. Kinch, Melissa S. Rice, Austin Godber, Bethany L. Ehlmann, Abigail A. Fraeman, Craig Hardgrove, and the MSL Science Team

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Volume 101 : July 2016 Issue

1501 Constraints on iron sulfate and iron oxide mineralogy from ChemCam visible/near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of Mt. Sharp basal units, Gale Crater, Mars
Jeffrey R. Johnson, James F. Bell III, Steve Bender, Diana Blaney, Edward Cloutis, Bethany Ehlmann, Abigail Fraeman, Olivier Gasnault, Kjartan Kinch, Stéphane Le Mouélicic, Sylvestre Maurice, Elizabeth Rampe, David Vaniman, and Roger C. Wiens

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1515 Esperance: Multiple episodes of aqueous alteration involving fracture fills and coatings at Matijevic Hill, Mars
Benton C. Clark, Richard V. Morris, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, William H. Farrand, Ralf Gellert, Bradley L. Jolliff, Raymond E. Arvidson, Steven W. Squyres, David W. Mittlefehldt, Douglas W. Ming, and Albert S. Yen

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1527 Discovery of alunite in Cross crater, Terra Sirenum, Mars: Evidence for acidic, sulfurous waters
Bethany L. Ehlmann, Gregg A. Swayze, Ralph E. Milliken, John F. Mustard, Roger N. Clark, Scott L. Murchie, George N. Breit, James J. Wray, Brigitte Gondet, Francois Poulet, John Carter, Wendy M. Calvin, William M. Benzel, and Kimberly D. Seelos

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Volume 101 : September 2016 Issue

2005 VNIR multispectral observations of aqueous alteration materials by the Pancams on the Spirit and Opportunity Mars Exploration Rovers
William H. Farrand, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Melissa S. Rice, Alian Wang, and James F. Bell III

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