American Mineralogist

Volume 96, Issue no. 10 : October 2011


1650 Differential degassing of H2O, Cl, F, and S: Potential effects on lunar apatite
Gokce Ustunisik, Hanna Nekvasil, and Donald Lindsley

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MSA Presidential Address

1   MSA at 100 and why optical mineralogy still matters: The optical properties of talc
Mickey E. Gunter

1425 Compressional wave velocity measurements through sandy sediments containing methane hydrate
Qin Zhang, Feng-Guang Li, Chang-Yu Sun, Qing-Ping Li, Xiang-Yang Wu, Bei Liu, and Guang-Jin Chen

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1433 The turquoise-chalcosiderite Cu(Al,Fe3+)6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O solid-solution series: A Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, EMPA, and FTIR study
Yassir A. Abdu, Sharon K. Hull, Mostafa Fayek, and Frank C. Hawthorne

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1443 Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies
Manuel Sánchez del Río, Emilia García-Romero, Mercedes Suárez, Iván da Silva, Luis Fuentes-Montero, and Gema Martínez-Criado

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1455 Rankamaite from the Urubu pegmatite, Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Crystal chemistry and Rietveld refinement
Daniel Atencio, Reynaldo R. Contreira Filho, Stuart J. Mills, José M.V. Coutinho, Sara B. Honorato, Alejandro P. Ayala, Javier Ellena, and Marcelo B. de Andrade

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1461 Zeolitic-type Brønsted-Lowry sites distribution imaged on clinochlore
Giovanni Valdrè, Sergio Tosoni, and Daniele Moro

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1467 Thermodynamic properties of alloys of gold-74/palladium-26 with variable amounts of iron and the use of Au-Pd-Fe alloys as containers for experimental petrology
J. Brian Balta, John R. Beckett, and Paul D. Asimow

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1475 A first-principles investigation of hydrous defects and IR frequencies in forsterite: The case for Si vacancies
Koichiro Umemoto, Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Marc M. Hirschmann, David L. Kohlstedt, and Anthony C. Withers

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1480 Estimating compositions of natural ringwoodite in the heavily shocked Grove Mountains 052049 meteorite from Raman spectra
L. Feng, Y. Lin, S. Hu, L. Xu, and B. Miao

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1490 Phase stability and compression study of (Fe0.89,Ni0.11)3S up to pressure of the Earth’s core
Takeshi Sakai, Eiji Ohtani, Hidenori Terasaki, Seiji Kamada, Naohisa Hirao, Masaaki Miyahara, and Masahiko Nishijima

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1495 The compression pathway of quartz
Richard M. Thompson, Robert T. Downs, and Przemyslaw Dera

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1503 Experimental investigations into the silicification of olivine: Implications for the reaction mechanism and acid neutralization
Helen E. King, Oliver Plümper, Thorsten Geisler, and Andrew Putnis

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1512 The effect of polymorphic structure on the structural and chemical stability of yttrium disilicates
Evgeny Galunin, Miquel Vidal, and Mar??a D. Alba

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1521 Diffusion in yttrium aluminium garnet at the nanometer-scale: Insight into the effective grain boundary width
Katharina Marquardt, Quentin M. Ramasse, Christian Kisielowski, and Richard Wirth

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1530 Elasticity and anisotropy of Fe3C at high pressures
Mainak Mookherjee

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1537 Raman spectroscopy of titanomagnetites: Calibration of the intensity of Raman peaks as a sensitive indicator for their Ti content
Pavel Zinin, Lisa Tatsumi-Petrochilos, Lydie Bonal, Tayro Acosta, Julia Hammer, Stuart Gilder, and Mike Fuller

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1547 Experimental determination of stability relations between monazite, fluorapatite, allanite, and REE-epidote as a function of pressure, temperature, and fluid composition
Bartosz Budzyń, Daniel E. Harlov, Michael L. Williams, and Michael J. Jercinovic

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1568 Quantum-mechanical calculations of the Raman spectra of Mg- and Fe-cordierite
Reinhard Kaindl, Daniel M. T??bbens, and Udo Haefeker

Abstract     Members Full Text Download          Deposit Item

1575 Coarsening kinetics of coexisting peristerite and film microperthite over 104 to 105 years
Ian Parsons and John D. Fitz Gerald

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1585 Local structure variations observed in orthoenstatite at high pressures
Dongzhou Zhang, Jennifer M. Jackson, Wolfgang Sturhahn, and Yuming Xiao

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1593 Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Akihiko Nakatsuka, Mami Shimokawa, Noriaki Nakayama, Osamu Ohtaka, Hiroshi Arima, Maki Okube, and Akira Yoshiasa

Abstract     Members Full Text Download          Deposit Item

1606 Effect of hydration on the single-crystal elasticity of Fe-bearing wadsleyite to 12 GPa
Zhu Mao, Steven D. Jacobsen, Daniel J. Frost, Catherine A. McCammon, Erik H. Hauri, and Thomas S. Duffy

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1613 Early Proterozoic weathering processes under low O2 conditions reconstructed from a 2.45 Ga paleosol in Pronto, Canada
Takashi Murakami, Takeshi Kasama, and Satoshi Utsunomiya

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1624 Eliseevite, Na1.5Li[Ti2Si4O12.5(OH)1.5]·2H2O, a new microporous titanosilicate from the Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)
Victor N. Yakovenchuk, Gregory Yu. Ivanyuk, Sergey V. Krivovichev, Yakov A. Pakhomovsky, Ekaterina A. Selivanova, Julia A. Korchak, Yuri P. Men’shikov, Svetlana V. Drogobuzhskaya, and Oleg A. Zalkind

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     

1630 The development of shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientation in CaPtO3 post-perovskite deformed in pure shear
Richard McCormack, David P. Dobson, Nicolas P. Walte, Nobuyoshi Miyajima, Takashi Taniguchi, and Ian G. Wood

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


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American Mineralogist      Vol. 107, no. 1   January 2022

15    Boron isotope compositions establish the origin of marble from metamorphic complexes: Québec, New York, and Sri Lanka
Corinne Kuebler, Antonio Simonetti, Stefanie S. Simonetti, and Robert F. Martin

Item #AM-22-17811
Online Material zipped

31    Celleriite, (Mn22+Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH), a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup
Ferdinando Bosi, Federico Pezzotta, Alessandra Altieri, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Paolo Ballirano, Gioacchino Tempesta, Jan Cempírek, Radek Škoda, Jan Filip, Renata Čopjaková, Milan Novák, Anthony R. Kampf, Emily D. Scribner, Lee A. Groat, and R. James Evans
Item #AM-22-17818
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54    Incorporation of incompatible trace elements into molybdenite: Layered PbS precipitates within molybdenite
Yiping Yang, Hongping He, Wei Tan, Qi Tao, Junming Yao, Haiyang Xian, Shangying Li, Jiaxin Xi, Jianxi Zhu, and Huifang Xu
Item #AM-22-17609
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74    Thermoelastic properties of zircon: Implications for geothermobarometry
Alix M. Ehlers, Gabriele Zaffiro, Ross J. Angel, Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran, Michael A. Carpenter, Matteo Alvaro, and Nancy L. Ross

Item #AM-22-17731
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82    A Rayleigh model of cesium fractionation in granite-pegmatite systems
David London
Item #AM-22-17855
Online Material zipped

92    The atomic arrangement and electronic interactions in vonsenite at 295, 100, and 90 K
Marc Maderazzo, John M. Hughes, M. Darby Dyar, George R. Rossman, Brandon J. Ackley, Elizabeth C. Sklute, Marian V. Lupulescu, and Jeffrey Chiarenzelli
Item #AM-22-17851
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100    Oxalate formation by Aspergillus niger on minerals of manganese ores
Olga Frank-Kamenetskaya, Marina Zelenskaya, Alina Izatulina, Vladislav Gurzhiy, Aleksei Rusakov, and Dmitry Vlasov
Item #AM-22-17651
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116    Mesoproterozoic seafloor authigenic glauconite-berthierine: Indicator of enhanced reverse weathering on early Earth
Jianbai Ma, Xiaoying Shi, Maxwell Lechte, Xiqiang Zhou, Zhenfei Wang, Kangjun Huang, Maxim Rudmin, and Dongjie Tang
Item #AM-22-17904
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131    Chemical variability in vyacheslavite, U(PO4)(OH): Crystal-chemical implications for hydrous and hydroxylated U4+, Ca, and REE phosphates
Gwladys Steciuk, Radek Škoda, Veronika Dillingerová, and Jakub Plášil
Item #AM-22-17875
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138    Bennesherite, Ba2Fe2+Si2O7: A new melilite group mineral from the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel
Arkadiusz Krzątała, Biljana Krüger, Irina Galuskina, Yevgeny Vapnik, and Evgeny Galuskin
Item #AM-22-17747
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147    Single-crystal elasticity of phase Egg AlSiO3OH and δ-AlOOH by Brillouin spectroscopy
Baoyun Wang, Yanyao Zhang, Suyu Fu, Wei Yan, Eiichi Takahashi, Li Li, Jung-Fu Lin, and Maoshuang Song

Item #AM-22-18056
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Differential degassing of H2O, Cl, F, and S: Potential effects on lunar apatite
Gokce Ustunisik, Hanna Nekvasil, and Donald Lindsley

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     



An experimental study of phosphorous and aluminosilicate speciation in and partitioning between aqueous fluids and silicate melts determined in-situ at high temperature and pressure
Bj??rn O. Mysen

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     



Compressional wave velocity measurements through sandy sediments containing methane hydrate
Qin Zhang, Feng-Guang Li, Chang-Yu Sun, Qing-Ping Li, Xiang-Yang Wu, Bei Liu, and Guang-Jin Chen

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


The turquoise-chalcosiderite Cu(Al,Fe3+)6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O solid-solution series: A Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, EMPA, and FTIR study
Yassir A. Abdu, Sharon K. Hull, Mostafa Fayek, and Frank C. Hawthorne

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies
Manuel Sánchez del Río, Emilia García-Romero, Mercedes Suárez, Iván da Silva, Luis Fuentes-Montero, and Gema Martínez-Criado

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Rankamaite from the Urubu pegmatite, Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Crystal chemistry and Rietveld refinement
Daniel Atencio, Reynaldo R. Contreira Filho, Stuart J. Mills, José M.V. Coutinho, Sara B. Honorato, Alejandro P. Ayala, Javier Ellena, and Marcelo B. de Andrade

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Zeolitic-type Brønsted-Lowry sites distribution imaged on clinochlore
Giovanni Valdrè, Sergio Tosoni, and Daniele Moro

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Thermodynamic properties of alloys of gold-74/palladium-26 with variable amounts of iron and the use of Au-Pd-Fe alloys as containers for experimental petrology
J. Brian Balta, John R. Beckett, and Paul D. Asimow

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


A first-principles investigation of hydrous defects and IR frequencies in forsterite: The case for Si vacancies
Koichiro Umemoto, Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Marc M. Hirschmann, David L. Kohlstedt, and Anthony C. Withers

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Estimating compositions of natural ringwoodite in the heavily shocked Grove Mountains 052049 meteorite from Raman spectra
L. Feng, Y. Lin, S. Hu, L. Xu, and B. Miao

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Phase stability and compression study of (Fe0.89,Ni0.11)3S up to pressure of the Earth’s core
Takeshi Sakai, Eiji Ohtani, Hidenori Terasaki, Seiji Kamada, Naohisa Hirao, Masaaki Miyahara, and Masahiko Nishijima

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


The compression pathway of quartz
Richard M. Thompson, Robert T. Downs, and Przemyslaw Dera

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Experimental investigations into the silicification of olivine: Implications for the reaction mechanism and acid neutralization
Helen E. King, Oliver Plümper, Thorsten Geisler, and Andrew Putnis

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


The effect of polymorphic structure on the structural and chemical stability of yttrium disilicates
Evgeny Galunin, Miquel Vidal, and Mar??a D. Alba

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Diffusion in yttrium aluminium garnet at the nanometer-scale: Insight into the effective grain boundary width
Katharina Marquardt, Quentin M. Ramasse, Christian Kisielowski, and Richard Wirth

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Elasticity and anisotropy of Fe3C at high pressures
Mainak Mookherjee

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Raman spectroscopy of titanomagnetites: Calibration of the intensity of Raman peaks as a sensitive indicator for their Ti content
Pavel Zinin, Lisa Tatsumi-Petrochilos, Lydie Bonal, Tayro Acosta, Julia Hammer, Stuart Gilder, and Mike Fuller

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Experimental determination of stability relations between monazite, fluorapatite, allanite, and REE-epidote as a function of pressure, temperature, and fluid composition
Bartosz Budzyń, Daniel E. Harlov, Michael L. Williams, and Michael J. Jercinovic

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Quantum-mechanical calculations of the Raman spectra of Mg- and Fe-cordierite
Reinhard Kaindl, Daniel M. T??bbens, and Udo Haefeker

Abstract     Members Full Text Download          Deposit Item


Coarsening kinetics of coexisting peristerite and film microperthite over 104 to 105 years
Ian Parsons and John D. Fitz Gerald

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Local structure variations observed in orthoenstatite at high pressures
Dongzhou Zhang, Jennifer M. Jackson, Wolfgang Sturhahn, and Yuming Xiao

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Akihiko Nakatsuka, Mami Shimokawa, Noriaki Nakayama, Osamu Ohtaka, Hiroshi Arima, Maki Okube, and Akira Yoshiasa

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Effect of hydration on the single-crystal elasticity of Fe-bearing wadsleyite to 12 GPa
Zhu Mao, Steven D. Jacobsen, Daniel J. Frost, Catherine A. McCammon, Erik H. Hauri, and Thomas S. Duffy

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Early Proterozoic weathering processes under low O2 conditions reconstructed from a 2.45 Ga paleosol in Pronto, Canada
Takashi Murakami, Takeshi Kasama, and Satoshi Utsunomiya

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


Eliseevite, Na1.5Li[Ti2Si4O12.5(OH)1.5]·2H2O, a new microporous titanosilicate from the Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)
Victor N. Yakovenchuk, Gregory Yu. Ivanyuk, Sergey V. Krivovichev, Yakov A. Pakhomovsky, Ekaterina A. Selivanova, Julia A. Korchak, Yuri P. Men’shikov, Svetlana V. Drogobuzhskaya, and Oleg A. Zalkind

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     


The development of shape- and crystallographic-preferred orientation in CaPtO3 post-perovskite deformed in pure shear
Richard McCormack, David P. Dobson, Nicolas P. Walte, Nobuyoshi Miyajima, Takashi Taniguchi, and Ian G. Wood

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     



Paula C. Piilonen, Ralph Rowe, Glenn Poirier, and Kimberly T. Tait

Full Text     



Memorial of Rustum Roy, 1924–2010
Sridhar Komarneni

Abstract     Members Full Text Download     



John C. Schumacher

Full Text     



Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies
Manuel Sánchez del Río, Emilia García-Romero, Mercedes Suárez, Iván da Silva, Luis Fuentes-Montero, and Gema Martínez-Criado

Item#: AM-11-053
Crystallographic Information Files zipped


A first-principles investigation of hydrous defects and IR frequencies in forsterite: The case for Si vacancies
Koichiro Umemoto, Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Marc M. Hirschmann, David L. Kohlstedt, and Anthony C. Withers

Item#: AM-11-051
Crystallographic Information Files zipped


The compression pathway of quartz
Richard M. Thompson, Robert T. Downs, and Przemyslaw Dera

Item#: AM-11-054
Appendix Figures 1Ð7 and Appendix Table (Hypothetical Crystal Structures) zipped


Quantum-mechanical calculations of the Raman spectra of Mg- and Fe-cordierite
Reinhard Kaindl, Daniel M. T??bbens, and Udo Haefeker

Item#: AM-11-052
Supplementary Material zipped


Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Akihiko Nakatsuka, Mami Shimokawa, Noriaki Nakayama, Osamu Ohtaka, Hiroshi Arima, Maki Okube, and Akira Yoshiasa

Item#: AM-11-050
Supplementary Tables 1Ð3 and Crystallographic Information File zipped

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