American Mineralogist
434 The solubility of H2O in peralkaline and peraluminous granitic melts
245 Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa
259 K in clinopyroxene at high pressure and temperature: An experimental study
270 Crystal structure of monoclinic hydrous wadsleyite [β-(Mg,Fe)2SiO4]
276 Natural kalsilite, KAlSiO4, with P31c symmetry: Crystal structure and twinning
280 Al, Si, and Mg occupancies in tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated sites in synthetic aluminous tremolite
291 Site occupancies in synthetic monoclinic amphiboles: Rietveld structure refinement and infrared spectroscopy of (nickel, magnesium, cobalt)-richterite
302 Transformation of mackinawite to greigite: An in situ X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscope study
310 Cathodoluminescence of meteoritic and synthetic forsterite at 296 and 77 K using TEM
316 Cl incorporation into successively zoned amphiboles from the Ramnes cauldron, Norway
325 Multi-site order-disorder kinetics in crystalline solids: A generalized formulation
337 Redox conditions in piston-cylinder apparatus: The different behavior of boron nitride and unfired pyrophyllite assemblies
345 A new garnet-orthopyroxene thermometer based on reversed Al2O3 solubility in FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 orthopyroxene
354 Melting experiments on komatiite analog compositions at 5 GPa
368 Degassing of alkalic basalts
379 Phase relations among smectite, R1 illite-smectite, and illite
392 Timing and mechanisms of carbon isotope exchange in granulite-facies calc-silicate boudins, Rauer Group, East Antarctica
405 Changes in the crystal structure of tsaregorodtsevite [N(CH3)4][Si2(Si0.5Al0.5)O6]2 on heating
416 Surite: Its Structure and Properties
423 Terranovaite from Antarctica: A new ‘pentasil’ zeolite
438 Memorial of Henry O. A. Meyer,
213 Theory of displacive phase transitions in minerals
440 MINERALOGY OF HYPERAGPAITIC ALKALINE ROCKS. By A.P. Khomyakov. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995. 223 pages.
245 Single-crystal compression and crystal structure of clinopyroxene up to 10 GPa
291 Site occupancies in synthetic monoclinic amphiboles: Rietveld structure refinement and infrared spectroscopy of (nickel, magnesium, cobalt)-richterite
291 Site occupancies in synthetic monoclinic amphiboles: Rietveld structure refinement and infrared spectroscopy of (nickel, magnesium, cobalt)-richterite
423 Terranovaite from Antarctica: A new ‘pentasil’ zeolite
423 Terranovaite from Antarctica: A new ‘pentasil’ zeolite
Table of Contents
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.