American Mineralogist
951 ARTICLES Infrared spectroscopy of synthetic and natural stishovite
956 High-energy K-line PIXE spectra of Au-bearing minerals
963 Crystal growth and structures of mixed-anion silicates-germanates: Ca5[(Ge,Si)2O7][(Ge,Si)O4] and Na2Ca6[Si2O7][SiO4]2
970 Variations in interlayer cation sites of clay minerals as studied by 133CS MAS nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
983 Far infrared, X-ray powder diffraction, and chemical investigation of potassium micas
992 The amblygonite-montebrasite series: Characterization by single-crystal structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy, and multinuclear MAS-NMR spectroscopy
1009 Hydrothermal reaction of a rhyolitic-composition glass: A solid-state NMR study
1020 Some simplifications to multianvil devices for high pressure experiments
1029 Experimental biotite-quartz melting in the KMASH-CO2 system and the role of CO2 in the petrogenesis of granites and related rocks
1043 Rock pressure vs. fluid pressure as a controlling influence on mineral stability: An example from New Mexico
1059 Temperature, size, and depth of the magma reservoir for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite, New Mexico
1071 Termination of the 2 feldspar + liquid curve in the system Ab-Or-An-H2O at low H2O contents
1080 A thermodynamic model for the enstatite-diopside join
1092 Compositional variations in pyroxenes and amphiboles of the Belknap Mountain complex, New Hampshire: Evidence for the origin of silica-saturated alkaline rocks
1106 Composition of the fluid phase accompanying carbonatite magma: A critical examination
1110 Silicon carbide cluster entrapped in a diamond from Fuxian, China
1120 Mechanisms and kinetics of apatite fission-track annealing
1140 Intercalation reactions of krautite, HMnAsO4-H2O
1147 Subsolidus phase relations in the system K2Ca(CO3)2·Na2Mg(CO3)2 at 1 kbar: The fairchilditess buetschliite-eitelite eutectoid
1151 Single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of two biogenic magnesian calcite crystals
1159 Rings, topology, and the density of tectosilicates
1170 The crystal structure of nissonite
1176 Origin of alunite- and jarosite-group minerals in the Mt. Leyshon epithermal gold deposit, northeast Queensland, Australia
1182 Mixed-layer illite/smectite: A multiphase model
1186 Crystal structure of synthetic yoshiokaite, a stuffed derivative of the tridymite structure
1192 Edgarbaileyite, Hg6Si2O7: The crystal structure of the first mercury silicate
1197 Andrewsite and laubmannite formally discredited
1200 Boggsite, a new high-silica zeolite from Goble, Columbia County, Oregon
1205 Oxygen-isotope zonation of agates from Karoo volcanics of the Skeleton Coast, Namibia: Discussion
1207 Oxygen-isotope zonation of agates from Karoo volcanics of the Skeleton Coast, Namibia: Reply
1217 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 MSA ANNUAL MEETING Report of the Secretary for 1989
1229 Memorial of Ralph Early Grim: February 25, 1902-August 19, 1989
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.