American Mineralogist
1085 Extrapolated partial molar densities of SO3, P2O5, and other oxides in silicate melts
1089 Intracrystalline distribution of Ni in San Carlos olivine: An EXAFS study
873 Coordination of B in K2O-SiO2-B2O3-P2O5 glasses using B K-edge XANES
878 High-temperature 23Na MAS NMR data for albite: Comparison to chemical-shift models
885 Study of the cubic to tetragonal transition in Mg2TiO4 and Zn2TiO4 spinels by 17O MAS NMR and Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data
897 Structural modulation and phase transition in a Na-rich alkali feldspar
907 I1 – I 2/c phase transition in alkaline-earth feldspars: Evidence from TEM observations of Sr-rich feldspars along the CaAl2Si2O8- SrAl2Si2O8 join
916 Crystal structure of P21/m ferromagnesian amphibole and the role of cation ordering and composition in the P21/m-C2/m transition in cummingtonite
923 Orthopyroxene from the Serra de Magé meteorite: Structure refinement and estimation of C2/c pyroxene contributions to apparent Pbca diffraction violations
930 Transmission electron microscope observations of planar defects in ferrierite from Kamloops Lake, British Columbia
937 Crystal chemistry of lead aluminosilicate hollandite: A new high-pressure synthetic phase with octahedral Si
941 Anisotropic thermal expansion of calcite at high pressures: An in situ X-ray diffraction study in a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell
947 H2O and OH in echinoid calcite: A spectroscopic study
960 Transformation of synthetic mackinawite to hexagonal pyrrhotite: A kinetic study
968 Experimental evidence for the exsolution of ilmenite from titaniferous spinel
982 Phlogopite stability in the silica-saturated portion of the system KAlO2-MgO-SiO2-H2O: New data and a reappraisal of phase relations to 1.5 GPa
998 The high-pressure stability of talc and 10 Å phase: Potential storage sites for H2O in subduction zones
1004 One- and two-dimensional models of fluid flow and stable isotope exchange at an outcrop in the Adamello contact aureole, Southern Alps, Italy
1020 Oxygen diffusion in grossular and some geological implications
1026 Evidence for immiscibility in a Ti-rich garnet in calc-silicate hornfels from northeastern Minnesota
1031 Zirconosilicate phase relations in the Strange Lake (Lac Brisson) pluton, Quebec-Labrador, Canada
1041 Reaction of orthopyroxene in peridotite xenoliths with alkali-basalt melt and its implication for genesis of alpine-type chromitite
1048 On the thermodynamic data of kaolinite
1054 Crystal structure and twinning of Sb2AsS2, the synthetic analogue of pääkkönenite
1059 Reederite-(Y), a new sodium rare-earth carbonate mineral with a unique fluorosulfate anion
1065 Plumboferrite: New mineralogical data and atomic arrangement
1079 Memorial of Jeffrey A. Grambling, 1953-1993
1082 Memorial of Roger C. Burns, 1937-1994
1048 On the thermodynamic data of kaolinite
1059 Reederite-(Y), a new sodium rare-earth carbonate mineral with a unique fluorosulfate anion
1059 Reederite-(Y), a new sodium rare-earth carbonate mineral with a unique fluorosulfate anion
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.