Fellowship in MSA

Members who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, or allied sciences and whose scientific contribution utilized mineralogical studies or data, may be designated as Fellows upon proper accreditation by the Committee on Nomination for Fellows and election by the Council. Recipients of the Roebling Medal and Mineralogical Society of America Award automatically become Fellows.

Criteria for selection to fellowship (adopted by the MSA Council in 1984, modified 2013):

Nominators should document the candidate’s contributions to advancing the field of mineralogy, and these may include research, publications, teaching, mentoring and advising, professional service through editorships, reviews, or committee work, development of textbooks and other educational materials, etc.

The number of fellows elected each year cannot exceed 0.5% of MSA membership. Nominations for fellowship can be made by any MSA Fellow or Member following the instructions in the section for submitting nominations.

MSA Fellows

Submitting Nominations for MSA Fellowship

A nomination for Fellowship in MSA requires a Sponsor, who is a Member or Fellow of the Society, to submit this cover page with the nomination package.

The nomination package must be submitted to the Chair of the Committee for Nominating Fellows of the Society by June 1. The committee asks that the nominator compile into a single electronic file the nomination, all letters of support, and supplementary materials before submitting the nomination package to the Committee Chair. This single electronic nomination package makes it easier and less expensive for the committee members, who are increasingly international, to do their work.

The Chair of the 2024 MSA Nominating Committee for Fellows:

Reto Giere
University of Pennsylvania
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Hayden Hall
240 S. 33 rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6316
Tel: +1 (215) 898-6907
E-mail: giere@sas.upenn.edu