Mineralogical Society of Great Britain

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The Mineralogical Society Series

Volume 4 — Geochemistry of Clay Pore Fluid Interactions
Edited by D.A.C. Manning, P.L. Hall and C.R. Hughes
(1993) 449 pp. ISBN 978-0-921294-53-5.

Volume 8 — Deformation-Enhanced Fluid Transport in the Earth’s Crust and Mantle
Edited by M. Holness
(1997) 299 pp. ISBN 978-0-921294-52-8.

Volume 9 — Environmental Mineralogy: Microbial Interactions, Anthropogenic Influences, Contaminated Land and Waste Management
Edited by J.D. Cotter-Howells, L.S. Campbell, E. Valsami-Jones and M. Batchelder
(2000) 413 pp. ISBN 0-903056-20-8.
Mineralogists have always sought to understand the chemical and physical environment under which a particular mineral forms and to
determine the arrangement of atoms within that mineral. The new field of Environmental Mineralogy asks the same questions in a different context and seeks to define the roles of minerals in natural ecosystems, together with understanding the preservation and restoration of such systems This book provides an up-to-date account of the state of this diverse subject area and will appeal to both senior undergraduate students and researchers alike.
The Mineralogical Society Landmark Papers

Volume 1 — Classic Papers in Volcanic Petrology
Papers selected by Ian S. W. Carmichael
(2004) 319 pp. ISBN 0-903056-21-6.
Prof. Carmichael of the University of California, one of the world’s foremost petrologists, introduces each paper and discusses its influence on the modern understanding of volcanic petrology.
Topics covered:
- Variety and relations among volcanic rocks
- Silicic magmas and eruptive products
- Andesites and arc volcanism
- Evolution of basaltic magmas
- Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs)
- Ultramafic liquids: Komatiites
- Magma mixing (subduction related magmas and MORBs)
- The volatile component in volcanic rocks
- Extraterrestrial petrology
- References

Volume 2 — Classic Papers in Structure Topology
Papers selected and commentary by F.C. Hawthorne
(2006) 301 pp. ISBN 0-903056-23-2.
Prof. Frank Hawthorne of the University of Manitoba re-examines a series of seminal papers which help us to focus on the key issues concerning structural connectivity in inorganic solids, of which minerals are a key component.
and to look at where we are today in our understanding of crystal structures. Diego Gatta in Mineralogical Magazine writes that, “the publication of these landmark papers, accompanied by Hawthorne’s comentaries, will be useful not only for undergraduate or PhD students, but for all structural mineralogists. This collection provides valuable insights into the evolution of structural mineralogy and its wider application to petrology.
Topics Covered:
- Bond topology and minerals
- The structure of complex ionic crystals
- The structure of silicates
- Stereoisomerism among octahedral crystals and tetrahedral chains
- Empirical bond-valence – bond-length curves for oxides
- Systematic retrieval and classificvation of edge-sharing clusters
- Non-existent silicates
- Chemical structuring and bonding
- Graphical enumeration of polyhedral crystals
- Energetic content of bond topology
- The Role of OH and H2O and oxysalt

Volume 3 — Classic Papers in Metamorphic Petrology.
Papers selected and commentary by B. W. Evans
(2007). 319 pp. ISBN 978-0-903056-24-3.
Metamorphic Petrology is a field that was barely defined at the beginning of the 20th century, but blossomed rapidly to a point where many of the first order problems had been resolved by the century’s end opening up a whole range of new
research opportunities. Professor Bernard Evans of the University of Washington has selected a collection of papers from diverse sources and his valuable commentary on each paper places it in the context of what has gone before. The papers document the major achievements of the field, but also the new challenges that it has set itself.
Topics covered:
- The laws of metamorphism
- Barrovian metamorphism
- The metamorphic facies
- Metamorphism of limestone and the petrogenetic grid
- Composition projections
- Mixed volatiles
- Blueschists
- Pseudosections
- Thermal models of collision belts
- Mineral thermometry
- Thermodynamic data base of minerals
- Fluid driven metamorphism
- Kinetics: experiment and theory
- Ultra-high pressure metamorphism
- Kinetics: field

Volume 4 — Classic Papers in Granite Petrogenesis.
Papers selected and commentary by John (JC) Clemens and Fernando Bea
(2012). 343 pp. ISBN 978-0-903056-30-4.
A compilation of landmark papers on granite petrogenesis is overdue. This volume is organized into a number of sections that represent what the editors regard as the main
research fields in which progress has been made in understanding granites and their genesis. The origin of granitic magmas is part of the cycle that unites tectonic processes with the generation of mantle magma, crustal growth, the transfer of mantle heat to the crust, high-grade regional metamorphism, crustal melting and crustal differentiation. The extended subject area is far too wide to deal with in a single volume and therefore the selection has been limited to papers dealing with the formation, physical behaviour and chemical evolution of granitic magmas, and just touching on the matter of associated ore deposits.
Topics covered:
- On the formation of granite
- Granites and granites
- The generation of batholiths
- Nd isotopes and Proterozoic crust-mantle evolution
- Thermal and tectonic regimes
- The generation of granitic magmas by basalt intrusion
- No water, no granites – no oceans, no continents
- Granite emplacement mechanisms
- Granitic magma transport by fracture propagation
- Water, granite and continents
- The magnetite-series and ilmenite-series granitic rocks
- Zircon saturation
- Models for granitoid evolution
- The melting of granite
- Experimentally deduced water content of a granite magma
- Water-saturated and -undersaturated melting of metaluminous and peraluminous crust
- Experimental fluid-absent melting in the pelitic system
- Residence of REE, Y, Th and U in granites and crustal protoliths
- Late-stage processes of felsic magmatism

The third edition of An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals has been published by The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
In this edition, most of the commonly occurring minerals of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are discussed in terms of structure, chemistry, optical and other physical properties, distinguishing features and paragenesis. Important correlations between
these aspects of mineralogy are emphasized wherever possible. The content of each section has been updated where needed in the light of published research over the 21 years between editions. Tables of over 200 chemical analyses and formulae are included and a number of older entries have been replaced by more recent examples.
Major new features:
- Entirely new views of crystal structures in perspective using CrystalMaker colour images; Free CrystalViewer interactive CD with >100 mineral structures included (download the latest version of the minerals library here)
- Over 60 colour photographs of minerals in thin sections of rocks under the petrological microscope
- Considerably expanded treatment of feldspar and zeolite minerals
- Mineral identification table based on birefringence and listing other properties
- Colour strip with appropriate interference colours and birefringences for the main rock-forming minerals
This book will be useful to undergraduate students of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, especially those at third or fourth year, engaged in more advanced courses or specialized projects, and also as a reference work for students for ‘Masters’ degrees by taught courses or research. For doctorate students, and research workers in the Earth Sciences as well as those in Materials Science and other related disciplines, this work can be useful as a condensed version of the very extensive treatment presented in the volumes of the DHZ Series Rock-Forming Minerals, second edition.