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MINERAL LOCALITY INFORMATION BY STATE Selecting the state name will go to State Geological Survey. Mineralogyof Alabama (1982) R. B. Cook & W.R. Smith, Alabama Geological Survey BulletinB120 285p Rocks and Minerals of Alabama : A Guidebook for Alabama Rockhounds (1966) Circular 38 AlabamaGeological Survey 106p (reprinted 1999) Rocks & Minerals (1995) Vol(70) no 5 Mineral Locality Index Geology and Mineral Deposits of southeastern Alaska (1929) USGS Bull 800 Mineralogical Record Prince of Wales Island, Alaska Vol(8) no 1 pp 4-12 Mineralogyof Arizona (1995) J. W. Anthony, S.A. Williams, R. A. Bideaux, R. W. Grant University of Arizona Press NP12 508p Minerals of Arizona: a field guide for collectors(1999) N. R. Bearce Geoscience Press, Tucson Mineralogical Record (1980) Arizona I Vol(11) no 3State Issue Mineralogical Record (1980) Arizona II Vol(11) no 4State Issue Mineralogical Record (1981) Arizona III - Bisbee Vol(12) no 5 Mineralogical Record (1983) Arizona IV Vol(14) no 2State Issue Mineralogical Record (1983) Arizona V Vol(14) no 5State Issue Mineralogical Societyof Arizona MineralSpecies of Arkansas: A Digest (1987) J. M. Howard Arkansas Geological CommissionBull 23 184p Mineralsof Arkansas : An Electronic Database (1996) J. D. McFarland & J.M. HowardArkansas Geological Commission CSS 1 CollectingArkansas Minerals - A Reference and Guide (1996) A. E. Smith Jr. L. R. ReamPublishing Idaho 149p Collecting Crystals, The Guide to Collecting Quartz in Arkansas (2000) Darcy and MikeHoward, A & I Studio Press Rocks & Minerals (1988) vol(63) no 2 Mineral Locality Index Rocks & Minerals (1989) Vol(64) no 4 State Issue Minerals of California (1983) H. E. Pemberton VanNostrand Reinhold New York 591p Mineralogical Record (1977) California Vol(8)no 6 State Issue Mineralogical Society ofSouthern California bulletins. Minerals of Colorado(1998) E. B. Eckel Fulcrum Publishing Golden Colorado MI61 665p Gems and Minerals, A Guide toColorado's Native Gemstones (1987) L. McKinney & D.T. McKinney MI37 48p Colorado Rockhounding(1994)S. M. Voynick MI45 371p The Rockhound's Guide toColorado (1998) W. A. Kappele CGP MI52 203p Mineralogical Record (1976) Colorado I Vol(7) no 6State Issue Mineralogical Record (1979) Colorado II Vol(9) no 6State Issue Mineralogical Record (1985) Colorado III Vol(16) no 3State Issue Mineralogical Record (1998) Sweet Home Mine (Rhodochrosite) Vol(29) no 4 Rocks & Minerals (1984) Vol(59) no1 State Issue Rocks & Minerals 1994-2000 Summer/Fall issues (Theme mineral Denver Show)(Pyrite, Calcite, Fluorite, Barite, Sphalerite, Rhodochrosite) Connecticut Minerals (1951) J. A. Sohon Connecticut Geol & NatHistory Survey Bull 77 128p Rocks & Minerals (1995) Vol(70) no 6 State Issue and Mineral Locality Index Delaware, ItsRocks, Minerals and Fossils (1980) D. C. Windish & T. E. Pickett, DelawareGeol. Survey & Div Econ Dev SP 19 18p The Minerals of Delaware (1980) P. B. Leavens, Delaware Geol. Survey Special Publication pp 179-194Selected papers on the Geology of Delaware Minerals of the Washington D.C. Area (1980) L. R. Bernstein, MarylandGeological Survey Educational Series Number 5 148p. AGuide to Rocks and Minerals of Florida (1987) E.W. Bishop & E. Lane FloridaBur Geol. Spec. Pub. SP8 61p OOP Rocks & Minerals (1979) Vol(54) no 4 Geology and Minerals of Florida Minerals of Georgia : Their Properties andOccurrences (1978) R. B. Cook Georgia Geol Survey Bull B-92 189p Rocks & Minerals (1989) Vol(64) no 3 Mineral Locality Index Lapidary Journal (1975) Rockhounding Hawaiian style Vol(28) pp 1822-28. Mineralogical Record (1984) Minerals of Puu o Ehu quarry, Hawaii Vol(15) no 2 Rockhounding in Hawaii (1976) Manhoff and Uyehara, HawaiianaAlmanac Publishing Co, Honolulu 140p. IdahoMinerals (1989) L. R. Ream L. R. Ream Publishing Idaho 329p Rocks & Minerals (1995) Vol(70) no 4 Mineral Locality Index Idaho Mines Database (Idaho Geological Survey) Gemstone videotape (Idaho Public Television) Guide to Rocks and Minerals ofIllinois Rocks & Minerals (1988) Vol(63) no 3 State Issue Minerals of Indiana (1960) R.C. Erd & S. S. Greenberg, Indiana Geol Survey Bull 18 73p OOP Mineralsof Indiana (2002) N.R. Shaffer CD-ROM.Indiana Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publications, MI02A Rocks & Minerals (1986) Vol(61) no 3 State Issue and Mineral Locality Index Minerals ofIowa (1974) P. J. Horick, Iowa Geol Survey Ed Series ES-2 88p Iowa's Minerals : Their occurrence, origins,industries and lore (1998) P. Garvin University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. GeologicalResources online Rocksand Minerals of Kentucky (1994) W. H. Anderson Kentucky Geol Survey Ser XI SpecPub 20 82p Rocks & Minerals (1981) Vol(56) no 3 State Issue Rocks & Minerals (1994) Vol(69) no 3 Mineral Locality Index Mineralogy of MaineVolume 2: Mining, History, Gems and Geology (2000) V. T. King A Collectors Guide to Maine Mineral Localities B-41 Thompson, Joyner, Woodman, King Rocks & Minerals (1987) Vol(62) no 6 State Issue Minerals of Maryland (1940) C. W. Ostrander & W. E.Price Jr. Maryland Nat. History Soc. Baltimore 88p Massachusetts Minerals and Fossil Localities (1978) P.Gleba Krueger Enterprises 117p Western Massachusetts Mineral Localities (1992) A. R.Plante Valley Geology 36 Plantation Circle, Greenfield, Ma 01301 144p Rocks & Minerals (1976) Vol(51) no 5 State Issue Mineralogy of Michigan (2004) E. W. Heinrich (rev. George W. Robinson), 252p Mineralogy of Michigan (2001) E. W. Heinrich, Michigan Department Environmental Quality, 2nd ed. 155p (online) CollectingRocks, Minerals and Fossils in Michigan (1976) S. E. Wilson PA 06 16p Mineralogical Record (1992) Michigan Copper Country Vol(23) no 2 Rocks & Minerals (1983) Vol(58) no 3 State Issue Guideto Mineral Collecting in Minnesota (1979) E. R. Rapp Jr. & D. T. Wallace ES245p Rocks & Minerals (1982) Vol(57) no 3 State Issue Fossil and Mineral Collecting Localities of Mississippi (1972) Pitts & BogardMississippi Geological Survey Info. Sers. 72-2 OOP Mississippi Minerals (1944) William Morse Miss Geol Survey Bull 59 13p Minerals of Mississippi (1981) Mississippi Geology Vol(1) no 3 pp 4-11 B. Mather Common Rocks andMinerals of Missouri (1961) W. D. Keller Univ. Mo. Press 80p. Rocks & Minerals (1998) Vol(73) no 2 MineralLocality Index Rocks & Minerals (1997) Vol(72) no 6 pp363-438 StateIssue MissouriCollecting Sites (pdf file) Gemstonesand Minerals of Nebraska: A Handbook for Students and Collectors (1971) R. K.Pabian, Nebraska Geol Survey Ed. Cir. EC-2, 80p Rocks & Minerals (1980) Vol(55) no 3 State Issue Nevada'scommon Minerals (1941) V. P. Gianella Bull 36 110p Rocks, gemstones, minerals, and fossils inNevada:(2001) Castor and Lapointe SP 29 folded map Mineralogical Record (1985) Nevada Vol(16) no1 State Issue Rocks & Minerals (1999) Vol(74) no 6 State Issue and Mineral Locality Index Nevada Minerals (2003) S. B. Castor & G.C. Ferdock NBMG Spec Pub 31 512p. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology onlinepublications TheGeology of New Hampshire: Volume 3, Minerals and Mines (1956) T. R. Myers & G.W. Stewart New Hampshire State Planning and Dev. Com. GEO-3, 107p Rocks & Minerals (1990) Vol(65) no 4 State Issue Minerals of New Jersey (1959) A .S. Wilkerson,New Jersey Geol. Survey Rept. No 1, 51p Rocks & Minerals (1982) Vol(57) no 5 Franklin & Sterling Hill(fluorescents) Rocks & Minerals (1984) Vol(59) no 4 Traprock minerals Mineralsof New Mexico (1997) S.A. Northrop, Univ. New Mexico Press 3rd ed. 346p Rocks & Minerals (1992) Vol(67) no 5 pp292-366 Mineral Locality Index Mineralogical Record (1991) Vol(20) no 1State Issue Minerals of New York (1978) D. E. Jensen Ward's NatScience Est 220p OOP NewYork Mineral Localities (1903) H. P. Whitlock B70 OOP Rocksand Minerals of New York State (1960) R. L. Borst Ed. Leaflet 1 Mineral Localities of North Carolina (1971) J. F.Conley et. al. North Carolina Div Mineral Res. Inf. Cir. 16 128p (OOP) Mineral Collecting Sites in North Carolina IC 24 (OOP) Rocks & Minerals (1985) Vol(60) no 2 State Issue Mineral and Water Resources of North Dakota (1973) ed Landis N. Dak. Geol Surv. Bull63 Rock and Mineral Collecting in North Dakota NDGS Newsletter June 1976 North Dakota's Rocks and Minerals NDGS Newsletter 1995 V22 #2 p 6-12 Minerals of Ohio(1991) E. H. Carlson Ohio Geol Survey Bull 69 153p Rocks & Minerals (1990) Vol(65) no 6 Mineral Locality Index Minerals of Oklahoma (1963) E. L. Gilmore 77p Rockhoundingand Earth Science Activities in Oklahoma - 1995 Workshop (1996) K. S. Johnson& N. H. Guneson SP96-5 139p Rocks & Minerals (1997) Vol(72) no 4 MineralLocality Index Web Resources Oregon Rocks and Minerals, a description (1988)H. M. Dole, Oregon Dept Geol & Min Ind OFR - 0-88-6 59p Web Resources Rocks &Minerals of Pennsylvania Education Series ES1 - ( pdf file) Mineralogy of Pennsylvania 1966-1975 R. C. Smith II, Friends of Mineralogy Penn.chapter SP 1 304p Rocks & Minerals (1978) Vol(53) no 3 State Issue Minerals of Rhode Island (1972)C. E. Miller Department of Geology, University of Rhode Island 83p Rocks & Minerals (1986) Vol(61) no 5 State Issue Mineralogy of the Black Hills (1965)W. L. Roberts G. Rapp Jr., S. Dakota School Mines and Tech Bull. 18 268p OOP Rocks & Minerals (2000) Vol(75) no 3 MineralLocality Index Rocks and Minerals of Tennessee (1957) R. J.Floyd Tenn Div Geol Inf Cir 5 36p OOP. TexasRocks and Minerals: An Amateur's Guide (1964) R. M. Girard Texas Bureau EconomicGeology GB 6 109p TexasGemstones (1961) E. A. King Jr. Texas Bureau of Economic Geology RI 42 42p Rocks & Minerals (1991) Vol(66) no 3 Mineral Locality Index Minerals and MineralLocalities of Utah (1981) K. C. Bullock Utah Geol & Mineral Survey Bull 117177p OOP Acollector's guide to rock, mineral & fossil localities of Utah(1995) J. R. Wilson, 148 p. + color insert, MP95-4. Rocks & Minerals (1993) Vol(68) no 6 State Issue( also at Utah geolological survey website ) Web Resources Rocks & Minerals (1996) Vol(71) no 4 State Issue Rocks & Minerals (1996) Vol(71) no 5 Mineral Locality Index Minerals of Virginia, 1990 (1990) R. V. DietrichVirginia Dept Mines & Mineral Res 474p Minerals of Virginia, 1990 - an update (1993) R. V. Dietrich, Virginia Dept Mines& Mineral Res 28p Rocks & Minerals (1985) Vol(60) no 4 State Issue and Mineral Locality Index Web resources Minerals of Washington (1975) B. CannonCordilleran Press 184p Gems and Minerals of Washington (1985) L. R. Ream, Jackson Mountain Press, 217p. Rocks & Minerals (1991) Vol(66) no 4 State Issue and Mineral Locality Index Web Resources General Information Collecting Packet Minerals of WestVirginia (1964) J. H. C. Martens, West Virginia Geol & Econ Survey Ed Ser.ED-8 41p Story of the Rocks and Minerals of Wisconsin (1906)P. V. Lawson Appleton Wi 202p Rocks & Minerals (1998) Vol(73) no 6 Mineral Locality Index Mineralogy of Wisconsin Prof WilliamCordura's website Minerals and Rocks of Wyoming (1986) W. D. HauselWyoming Geol Survey Bull 66 117p reprint. Gemstonesand other unique rocks and minerals of Wyoming - a field guide for collectors(2000) W.D. Hausel & W. M. Sutherland Wyoming Geol Survey Bull 71 Rocks & Minerals (1983) Vol(58) no 5 State Issue Rocks & Minerals (2001) Vol (76) no 6Mineral Locality index [Include:'../../inc/footer.html'] |