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Volume 43, pages 310-316, 1958 MEMORIAL OF AUSTIN FLINT ROGERS PAUL, H. KERR, Columbia University, New York, New York. Austin Flint, Rogers died on March 10, 1957 in Berkeley, California, a few months short of his eightieth birthday. He was one of the founders of the Mineralogical Society of America and in 1927 was elected president. He stood for many years as one of the leaders in a group of senior scientists who were instrumental in establishing mineralogy as a science in North America. Professor Rogers' scientific activity began in Missouri and Kansas, covered a moderate period in New York, and throughout a large part of his career centered in California. He was born in Lathrop, Missouri, August 15, 1877. While a student in the Central High School in Kansas City, a chemistry teacher encouraged his interest in natural science, and the collection of minerals and fossils from the quarries in the vicinity became a serious hobby. Dr. Rogers attended the Missouri School of Mines for one year and then transferred to the University of Kansas where he received the A.B. degree in 1899 and the A.M. degree a year later. In 1901 he was awarded a fellowship at Columbia University where he studied in the Department of Mineralogy with Professors Alfred J Moses and Lea M. Luquer. The Ph.D. degree at Columbia University was awarded to Professor Rogers in 1902. It was at this time that Dr. David Starr Jordan, then President of Stanford University, was looking for a young man to initiate the study of mineralogy at the youthful university President Jordan had been building academically in California. Through his friendship with Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, his attention became focused on a young doctorate recipient at Columbia, Austin Rogers. In 1902 Dr. Rogers began a career at Stanford University, where over the years geologists on the Pacific Coast came to look with respect on the famous staff of Stanford geologists which, along with Professor Rogers, included professors John Casper Branner, James Perrin Smith and Cyrus Fisher Tohnan. The teaching contribution that Dr. Rogers made at Stanford University covered a span of forty years. During that time no student graduated from Stanford without having taken at least the Introduction to Mineralogy course. The interest a few had developed in the subject as undergraduates led them to continue as graduate students. Students from other universities were also attracted to the Stanford group and came for graduate training. Several doctorate degrees in mineralogy from Stanford University were achieved in this way (including the writer's). These men comprised a nucleus of enthusiastic mineralogists who joined the faculties of other universities and carried on the teaching and scientific work that Professor Rogers had so ably demonstrated to them in their student days.
In the field of mineralogical research, Dr. Rogers showed an inquiring mind which led beyond mineralogical techniques toward a better understanding of the physical and chemical environment under which minerals grow. He became an authority in several fields of mineralogy. His work on magmatic sulfide minerals written with Professor Tolman still stands after many years as a major fundamental contribution to the subject. His contributions to the mineralogy of phosphate minerals are among the most authoritative publications on the subject. He was keenly interested in the way minerals form and devoted a large amount of time to field collection followed by microscopic study. The breadth of this interest is well shown by the variety of minerals and mineral groups in the appended bibliography of 99 titles. Those who saw Professor Rogers only in the classroom missed the rare opportunity of watching him as he proved his capabilities in other activities. One hobby was culinary. Looking back on student days at Stanford, the writer well remembers a memorable Thanksgiving Day dinner which included a nicely browned turkey and all of the trimmings cooked, arranged and served by Dr. Rogers himself. In his later years Professor Rogers became interested in gems. A discovery of jade in California led to his enthusiasm for the subject, reflected in the assembly of a small gem collection; a popular lecture series was also inaugurated. The proceeds from these lectures were contributed to Chinese relief during the second world war. In true mineralogical tradition, Professor Rogers discovered and named several new minerals. In recognition of his old friend of student days, he named one mineral kempite in honor of James Furman Kemp, for many years professor of economic geology at Columbia University. Other new minerals that he discovered were named sanbornite, wilkeite and cornuite. Rogersite and austinite were named by others in his honor. The educational influence of Dr. Rogers extended far beyond Stanford University. His textbook, written as an introduction to mineralogy, is accurate, concise, informative and has been widely used. The optical descriptions of minerals in the textbook "Optical Mineralogy" originally prepared by Professor Rogers as the second half of a book written jointly with the author have been used on a worldwide basis. His guidance was valued by the Mineralogical Society of America where he served as an Associate Editor of the American Mineralogist for many years. In 1930, Stanford University created the Austin F. Rogers Teaching Fellowship in Mineralogy in recognition of his interest in the science. Professor Rogers received the Erasmus Haworth Award conferred on distinguished alumni by the University of Kansas in 1950. He was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In addition to being a charter fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America, he was a fellow of the Geological Society of America. He was a member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and the Société française de Mineralogie. Throughout his academic career, Dr. Rogers constantly maintained a high standard of achievement and was particularly objective in appraising not only the work of his students but his own work as well. He formed a strong attachment for many students, but personal preference was no substitute for demonstrated performance when term marks were prepared. Dr. Rogers, who was married in 1902, is survived by a daughter, Genevieve and a son, Ronald. His retirement from Stanford University in 1942 did not mean the end of his career. On the contrary, he continued to promote interest in mineralogy by delivering lectures on gem stones until the time of his final illness. All who had the good fortune to be associated with Professor Rogers are grateful for the experience of having known one of the great contributors to American mineralogy. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AUSTIN F. ROGERS Cupro-goslarite, a new variety of zinc sulphate: Kansas. Univ. Quart., 8, 105-106 (1899). Normal ankerite from Phelps Co., Missouri: Kans. Univ. Quart., 8, 183 (1899). Sphalerite crystals of a peculiar habit and with one new form, from Galena, Kansas: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 9, 134-136 (1900). Annotated list of the minerals occurring in the Joplin lead and zinc district: Kans. Univ. Quart., 9, 161--165 (1900). The Pottawatomie and Douglas formations along the Kansas River: Kans. Univ. Quart., 9, 234-254 (1900). (with J. W. Beede), Coal Measures faunal studies: Kans. Univ. Quart., 9, 233-254 (1900); Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., 1, 163-181 (1902); 2, 459--473 (1904); 3, 377-388 (1906). List of the crystal forms of calcite with their interfacial angles: Sch. Mines Quart., 22, 429-448 (1901). A list of minerals arranged according to the thirty-two crystal classes: Sch. Mines Quart., 23, 79-98 (1901) The crystallography of the calcites of the New Jersey trap region: Sch. Mines Quart., 23, 336-347 (1902). New graphical methods in crystallography: Sch. Mines Quart., 23, 67-72 (1902). (with A. J. Moses), Formulae and graphic methods for determining crystals in terms of coordinate angles and Miller indices: Sch. Mines Quart., 24, 1-36 (1902). Ein neuer Transporteur zur Bestimmung der Indices der Krylstallflächen: Zeits. Kryst, 38, 491-494 (1903). (with A. J. Moses), Formeln and graphische Methoden zur Bestimmung von Krystallen auf Grund von Coordinatenwinkeln and Miller's schen Indices: Zeits. Kryst., 38, 209226 (1903). A method for the exact expression of crystal habit: Sch. Mines Quart., 25, 199-203 (1904). Minerals of the Galena-Joplin lead and zinc district: Kans. Univ. Geol. Surv., 8, 445-509 (1904). The determination of minerals in crushed fragments by means of the polarizing microscope: Sch. Mines Quart., 27, 340--359 (1906). Some points in teaching crystallography: Science, 24, 620-621 (1906). (with J. W. Beetle), Coal Measures faunal studies, IV, Upper Coal Measures, Neosho River section: Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., 3, 375-388 (1906). Stöber's method of making crystal drawings: Sch. Mines Quart., 38, 222-225 (1907). The gnomonic projection from a graphical standpoint: Sch. Mines Quart., 29, 24-33 (1907). Aegirite and riebeckite rocks from Oklahoma: Jour. Geol., 15, 283-287 (1907). A simple reflection goniometer: Science, 27, 929--930 (1908). Note on the crystal form of benitoite: Science, 28, 616 (1908). (with J. W. Beede), Coal Measures faunal studies; Faunal divisions of the Kansas Coal Measures: Kans. Univ. Geol. Surv., 9, 318-385 (1908). Pyrite crystals from Bingham, Utah: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 27, 467-468 (1909). Notes on some pseudomorphs, petrifactions, and alterations: Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., 49, 17-23 (1910). Anhydrite and associated minerals from the salt mines of central Kansas: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 29, 258-261. (1910). Minerals from the pegmatite veins of Rincon, San Diego Co., California: Sch. Mines Quart., 31, 208-218 (1910). The study of rocks without the use of the microscope: Science, 31, 739-740 (1910). A new synthesis and new occurrences of covellite: Sch. Mines Quart., 32, 298-304 (1911). Eglestonite from San Mateo Co., California: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 32, 48-50 (1911). On corundum syenite (uralose) from Montana: Jour. Geol., 19, 748-751 (1911). Orthoclase-bearing veins from Rawhide, Nevada, and Weehawken, New Jersey: Econ. Geol., 6, 790-798 (1911). Introduction to the study of minerals; a combined textbook and pocket manual: McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 522 pp. (1912); revised edition: 527 pp. (1921). Baddeleyite from Montana: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 33, 54-56 (1912). Lorandite from the Rambler mine, Wyoming: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 33, 105-106 (1912). The occurrence and origin of gypsum and anhydrite at the Ludwig mine, Lyon Co., Nevada: Econ. Geol., 7, 185-189 (1912). Dahllite (podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada; voelckerite, a new basic calcium phosphate; remarks on the chemical composition of apatite and phosphate rock: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 33, 475-482 (1921); Zeits. Kryst, 52, 209-217 (1913). The paragenesis of minerals: Econ. Geol., 7, 638-646 (1912). Notes on rare minerals from California: Sch. Mines Quart., 33, 373-381 (1912). Delafossite, a cuprous metaferrite from Bisbee, Arizona: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 35, 290 294 (1913). Observations on the feldspars: Jour. Geol., 21, 202-207 (1913). The nomenclature of minerals: Ann.. Phil. Soc. Proc., 52, 606-615 (1913). Upward secondary sulphide enrichment and chalcocite formation at Butte, Montana: Econ. Geol., 8, 781-794 (1913). Secondary sulphide enrichment of copper ores with special reference to microscopic study: Min. Sci. Press, 109, 680-686 (1914). (with A. S. Eakle), Wilkeite, a new mineral of the apatite group, and okenite its alteration product, from southern California: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 37, 262-267 (1914). (with H. W. Turner), A geologic and microscopic study of a magmatic copper sulphide deposit in Plumas Co., California, and its modification by ascending secondary enrichment: Econ. Geol., 9, 359-391 (1914). A new locality for voelckerite [Santa Clara Co., California] and the validity of voelckerite as a mineral species: Mineral. Mag., 17, 155-162 (1914). Lawsonite from the central Coast Ranges of California: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 39, 105112 (19.15). Notes on the occurrence of anhydrite in the United States: Sch. Mines Quart., 36, 123-142 (1915). The study of ores at Stanford: Geol. and Mining Soc., Am. Univ., Yr. Bk., 2, 20-24 (1915). Origin of copper ores of the "red beds" type: Econ. Geol., 11, 366-380 (1916). The so-called graphic intergrowth of bornite and chalcocite: Econ. Geol., 11, 582-593 (1916). (with C. F. Tolman, Jr.), A study of the magmatic sulfide ores: Leland Stanford Junior Pub., Univ. Ser., 76 pp. (1916). A review of the amorphous minerals: Jour. Geol., 25, 515-541 (1917). (with C. F. Tolman, Jr.), The origin of the Sudbury nickel ores: Eng. Min. Jour., 103, 226 229 (1917). The occurrence of cristobalite in California: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 45, 222-226 (1918). An American occurrence of periclase and its bearing on the origin and history of calcite brucite rocks: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 46, 581-586 (1918). Colemanite pseudomorphous after inyoite from Death Valley, California: Am. Mineral.; 4, 135-139 (1919). An interesting occurrence of manganese minerals near San Jose, California: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., 48, 443-49 (1919). Delafossite from Kimberly, Nevada; Am. Mineral., 7, 102-103 (1922). The optical properties and morphology of bisbeeite: Am. Mineral., 7, 153-154 (1922). Collophane, a much neglected mineral: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., 3, 269-276 (1922). A new occurrence of cristobalite in California: Jour. Geol., 30, no. 3, 211-216 (1922). *Cristobalite in the spherulitic obsidian from Yellowstone National Park: Am. Mineral., 6, 4-6 (1921). Euhedral magnesite crystals from San Jose, California: Am. Mineral., 8, 138-140 (1923). The use of plans and elevations in the study of geometrical crystallography: Am. Mineral, 8, 19-31 (1923). The crystallography of hydromagnesite: Am. four. Sci., 5th ser., 6, 37-47 (1923). Clinozoisite from Lower California: Am. Mineral., 9, 221-224 (1924). Kempite, a new manganese mineral from California: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., 8, 145--150 (1924). The crystallography of searlesite: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., 7, 498-502 (1924). Mineralogy and petrography of fossil bone: Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 35, vol 3, 535--556 (1924). Friedel's law of rational symmetric intercepts; with bibliography of irrational three-fold axis of symmetry: Am. Mineral., 10, 181-187 (1925). The addition and subtraction rule in geometrical crystallography: Am. Mineral., 11, 303 315(1926). Sand---calcite crystals from Monterey County, California: Am. Mineral., 11, 23-28 (1926). A mathematical study of crystal symmetry: Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Proc., 61, no. 7, 161 203 (1.926). Natural history of the silica minerals: Am. Mineral., 13, 73--92 (1928). A tabulation of the 32 crystal classes: Am. Mineral., 13, 571-577 (1928). Periclase from Crestmore near Riverside, California, with a list of minerals from this locality: Am. Mineral., 14, 462-469 (1929). Polysynthetic twinning in dolomite: Am. Mineral., 14, 245-250 (1929). A unique occurrences of lechatelierite or silica glass: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., 19, 195-202 (1930). Castanite, a basic ferric sulphate from Knoxville, California: Am. Mineral., 16, 396-404 (1931). Sanbornite, a new barium silicate from Mariposa County, California: Am. Mineral., 17, 161-172 (1932). Structural crystallography: Am. Mineral., 18, 538-542 (1933). A model for biaxial crystals: Am. Mineral., 19, 206-208 (1934). The chemical formula and crystal system of alleghanyite: Am. Mineral., 20, 25-35 (1935). A tabulation of crystal forms and discussion of form-names: Am. Mineral., 20, 838-851 (1935). Precious stones; Mineralogist, 3, no. 11, 3-4; 27-29 (1935). Introduction to the study of Minerals: McGraw Hill Bk. Co., Inc., 3rd ed., 626 pp. (1937). Lapis lazuli from San Bernardino County, California: Am. Mineral., 23, 111-114 (1938). Fossil termite pellets in opalized wood from Santa Maria, California: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., 86, no. 215, 389-392 (1938). Lamprobolite, a new name for basaltic hornblende: Am. Mineral., 25, 826-828 (1940). (with Paul F. Kerr), Optical Mineralogy: McGraw Hill Bk. Co., Inc., 2nd ed., 390 pp. (1942). Published in 1933, 1st ed., as Thin-section Mineralogy. Pellet phosphorite from Carmel Valley, Monterey County, California: Calif. Jour. Mines and Geol., 40, 4, 411-421 (1944). Physical axes of reference and geometrical axes of reference for quartz: Am. Jour. Sci., 243, no. 7, 384-392 (1945). Sand fulgurites with enclosed lechatelierite from Riverside County, California: Jour. Geol., 54, no. 2, 117-122 (1946). Braunite from Snowmass, Pitkin County: Am. Mineral., 31, 561-568 (1946). Uraninite crystals with a new form, from Portland, Connecticut: Am. Mineral., 32, 83-89 (1947). Uraninite and pitchblende: Am. Mineral., 32, 90-91 (1947).
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