Short Courses and Workshops

Short Courses and Workshops sponsored or recognized by the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), the Geochemical Society (GS), the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG, The German Mineralogical Society), and the European Mineralogical Union (EMU).

Short Courses are currently being held Virtually via Zoom and are in-depth reviews of a broad topic. Published proceedings of the MSA and GS short courses will appear as a volume in the Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry series.

Workshops are are shorter, focused topic or technique, and generally do not result in a publication:

  1. MSA Cutting Edge Workshops. 1/2 to 1 day, focused on an area of current interest, led by experts but aimed at a general audience, particularly one including graduate students and early career researchers. (Deep Carbon….or Mars Mineralogy would be examples of this new type of workshop introduced last year…)
  2. MSA Applications and Techniques Workshops. 1 day or more in duration, and concerned with offering expert training in applications of a particular experimental or theoretical/computational technique or method. (Examples would be the ‘XRF’ or ‘THERMOCALC’ Workshops)

Most workshops will be of either one of these types, but that does not preclude occasional examples which cross these boundaries or have elements of both a Workshop and a Short Course. This may be especially true when MSA is not the main organizer of the ‘workshop’… as with the courses on Diffusion, organized with the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG, The German Mineralogical Society).

Both Short Courses and Workshops can be held in conjunction with a major meeting at which it is suggested that there may be special sessions on the same topic.