American Mineralogist
341 Chemical reactions in crystals
376 The crystal structures of the humite minerals: I. Norbergite
391 Crystal chemistry of the humite minerals
412 Carbonado: A microstructural study
426 Isomorphous substitution in synthetic cobaltite and ullmannite
431 Manganoan ilmenite from a Sierran adamellite
437 Coalingite from the Muskox Intrusion, Northwest Territories
448 Ahlfeldite from Pacajake, Bolivia; A restudy
457 Stability relations of rhodochrosite in the system manganese-carbon-oxygen
482 Dehydroxylation and rehydroxylation, oxidation and reduction of micas
510 Synthesis of lead pyrosilicate and other barysilite-like compounds
522 Relict plagioclase phenocrysts from amphibolite grade metavolcanic rocks
529 Chemical and petrologic trends in the anorthosite-charnockite series of the Snowy Mountain massif, Adirondack highlands
539 Density determinations: Accuracy and application to sphalerite stoichiometry
549 Photoelectric apparatus for refractive index determination by the immersion method
554 Lattice parameters of kamacite by the Kossel technique
562 Orientation of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether molecules on montmorillonite
567 Palygorskite from the deep sea: A discussion
568 Palygorskite from the deep sea: A reply
569 Albite, variety cleavelandite, and the signs of its optic directions: Addendum
569 Variation of the refractive index of diamond. with hydrostatic pressure to 7 kilobars: Addendum
571 Hillocks on first-order prism faces of synthetic quartz: Errata
571 The crystal structure of staurolite: Errata
572 High-potassium cryptomelane from Tarapaca Province, Chile: Errata
572 Structural. basis of the olivine-spinet stability relation: Errata
589 Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 1968
594 Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 1968
586 Presentation of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 1968 to Tei-ichi Ito
592 Presentation of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 1968 to Barclay Kamb
573 New Mineral Names
560 MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Oxygen-rich apatite
584 Notices
581 Book Reviews
656 Proceedings of the Forty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of America at Mexico, D. F., Mexico
659 Report of the Secretary for 1968
660 Report of the Treasurer for 1968
671 Report of the Auditing Committee for 1968
674 List of Former Officers and Meeting Places
679 List of Officers and Committees
598 Memorial of James Dabney Burfoot, Jr.
600 Memorial of Charles Findlay Davidson
609 Memorial of Reynolds McConnell Denning
615 Memorial of David Gallagher
619 Memorial of Alfred Cary Hawkins
626 Memorial of Frank L. Hess
634 Memorial of Elwood S. Moore
638 Memorial of Waldemar Theodore Schaller
642 Memorial of Amo Schüller
649 Memorial of Robert Mitchell Thompson
653 Memorial of Tomas Tryggvason
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.