American Mineralogist
1233 The American Mineralogist: Its first four years
1244 The founding of the Mineralogical Society of America
1256 Anilite, Cu7S4, a new mineral
1269 Ternary solid solutions in the systems Cu-As-S, Mina el Guanaco, Taltal, Chile
1274 Mixing properties of sanidine crystalline solutions: IV. Phase diagrams from equations of state
1299 A survey of chemical bonding in silicate minerals by X-ray emission spectroscopy
1312 A comparison of the crystal structures of pseudolaueite and laueite
1324 Studies on the dodecahedral faces of diamond
1330 Ore microscopy and chemical composition of some laurites
1347 Some chromite-ilmenite associations in the Merensky Reef, Transvaal
1355 Thermal and X-ray studies on earthy vivianite in Graneros Shale (Upper Cretaceous), Kansas
1363 Hydrobasaluminite from Shoals, Indiana
1374 Crystal chemical investigation of natural apatites
1392 Sonolite, alleghanyite and leucophoenicite from New Jersey
1399 Unit-cell parameters and optical properties of talc on the join Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 – Fe3Si4O10(OH)2
1409 X-ray diffraction studies on the transformation of kaolinite into metakaolin: I. Variability of interlayer spacings
1419 An experimental investigation of the relationship of mullite to sillimanite
1442 Infrared and powder X-ray diffraction studies on the polymorphism of cordierite Mg2(Al4Si5O18)
1460 Role of ferrous iron oxidation in the alteration of biotite and its effect on the type of clay minerals formed in soils of arid and humid regions
1469 Differential thermal analysis of high-alumina allophane
1471 Vermicular pseudohexagonal serpentine aggregates as inclusions in quartz veins from the Precambrian Kolhan Formation, Singhbhum District, India
1473 Electrophoretic separation and fractionation of clay mixtures
1477 Pressure-temperature studies of anatase, brookite, rutile, and TiO2(II); A discussion
1481 Pressure-temperature studies of anatase,brookite, rutile, and TiO2(II): A reply
1483 Chemical composition and optical properties of yugawaralite from the type locality: A correction
1484 High- and low-silica faujasites: An addendum
1491 On a systematic error in the X-ray determination of the iron content of chlorites and biotites: A discussion
1495 New Mineral Names
1467 MINERALOGICAL NOTES: A lithiophosphate occurrence in North Carolina
1506 Notices
1500 Book Reviews
1507 Mineralogical society of America
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
Special Collections
American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.