American Mineralogist
1829 Empirical derivation of activity coefficients for the magnesium-rich portion of the olivine solid solution
1843 Molybdenite polytypes in theory and occurrence: I. Theoretical considerations of polytypism in molybdenite
1857 Molybdenite polytypes in theory and occurrence: II. Some naturally-occurring polytypes of molybdenite
1876 Mechanical <110> twinning in shocked sphene
1889 Electron paramagnetic resonance of Mn2+ in dolomite, and magnesite; and Mn2+ distribution in dolomites
1897 Infrared study of sulfohalite
1911 Crystal structure of strontioginorite, (Sr,Ca)2B14O20(OH)6·5H2O1
1932 Thermodynamic behavior of Ga3+, Al3+, and Fe3+ distributions in garnets
1945 Gedrites: Crystal structures and intracrystalline cation distributions
1973 Synthesis and crystal chemistry of sodium-potassium richterite, (Na,K)NaCaMg5Si8O22(OH, F)2: A model for amphiboles
1993 Iron-magnesium distribution in the tremolite-actinolite series
1999 Equilibrium relations of hypersthene, pigeonite, and augite in crystallizing magmas: Microprobe study of a pigeonite andesite from Weiselberg, Germany
2016 Alunite: A new occurrence near Wickenburg, Arizona
2023 Crystal chemistry of the basic manganese arsenates: IV. Mixed arsenic valences in the crystal structure of synadelphite
2038 A carbonate-bearing fluor-chlor-hydroxyapatite from Matale, Ceylon
2042 The join diopside-iron oxide-silica and its relation to the join diopside-forsterite-iron oxide-silica
2053 Chemical composition and physical. properties of phillipsite from the Pacific and Indian Oceans
2063 The anorthosite-charnockite suite of rocks of Roaring Brook valley in the eastern Adirondacks (Marcy massif)
2076 Dissolution of rock forming silicate minerals in organic acids: simulated first stage weathering of fresh mineral surfaces
2095 A rapid economical method for polishing thin sections for microprobe and petrographic analyses
2104 Supergene metastibnite from Mina Alacran, Pampa Larga, Copiapó, Chile
2107 Syntheses of valleriite
2110 “A “”valleriite-type”” mineral from Noril’sk, Western Siberia”
2114 Tungstenian wulfenites, Mina San Samuel, Cachiyuyo de Llampos, Chile
2118 Eicosyl alcohol: An organic constituent of calcite from Deutsch-Altenburg, Austria
2124 Refinement of the crystal structure of a chrome pyrope garnet: An inclusion in natural diamond
2128 An inclusion hourglass pattern in synthetic gypsum
2131 Selective chemical dissolution of sulfide minerals: A method of mineral separation
2134 An iron-sensitive stain for iron-rich sphalerite: Erratum
2135 New Mineral Names
2103 MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Metastibnite from The Geysers, Sonoma County, California
2145 Notices
2140 Book Reviews
2147 Author Index to Volume 55
2160 Subject Index to Volume 55
2193 Index to New Mineral Names
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.