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Guidebooks Bornhorst, T. J. and W. I.Rose 1994 Self-guided geological field trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula,Michigan.Institute on Lake Superior Geology Proceedings, 40th annual meeting, Houghton,MI v 40, part 2 185p. - The basis for this virtual trip. Molloy, L. 2001 Copper CountryRoad Trips. Great Lake GeoScience, Hubbell, Mich. 97p. - Guidebook of the historic mines and mining towns of the UP. Huber, N. K. 1975 The geologic story of Isle Royale National Park U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 1309 - A good introductory level booklet on the geology andlandforms in the park - see link for selected excerpts. Vogtmann, W. 1998 TheRockhound's Michigan. Midwest Mineralogical and Lapidary Society ofDearborn - compilation of articles on collecting trips fromthe club bulletin (also contains other areas of Michigan). Books Butler, B. S. and W. S. Burbank 1929 The Copper deposits of Michigan.U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 144 - The classicdescription of the geology of the copper mines - long out of print , see linkfor selected excerpts. LaBerge, G. L. 1994 Geology of the Lake Superior Region. Geoscience Press -Overview of the geology of the region. 313p. Martin, S. R. 1999 Wonderful Power Wayne State University Press - All you want to knowabout Native American mining of copper. 286p. Krause, D. J. 1992 Themaking of a mining district: Keweenaw native copper 1500-1870. Wayne StateUniversity Press. Early history of the district. 297p. Lankton, L. 1991 Cradle toGrave: Life, work, and death at the Lake Superior copper mines. OxfordUniversity Press. Later history of the district. 319p. Copper Country Rock &Mineral Club 1998 Red Gold & Tarnished Silver - Mines andminerals of the UP. The previous guidebooks andbooks can beobtained from the gift shop of the Seaman Museum, the Quincy shaft historicalassociation, the Isle Royale national park bookstore, Copper Rangeorganization, and the larger rock shops and bookstores in thearea . American Mineralogist Articles Crook, A. (1929) "AnIllinois record copper erratic" Magazine Articles Marc Wilson and Stanley Dyl III - Michigan CopperCountry - Mineralogical Record March/April1992v23 no2 -Special number on the geology, history and mineralogy of the district. Tom Rosemeyer - haswritten a series of eight articles on the district for Rocks & Mineralsincluding (* - the best overviews of ore types)
Tom Rosemeyer and Stanley J. Dyl II "John Thorley Reeder: Gentleman Collector of the Michigan Copper Country" MatrixWinter 2000-2001. Field trips - the KeweenawWeek has numerous field trips to the rock piles of many mines. One of theeasiest - and most legal ways to gain access to the sites. The rock piles arebulldozed to expose new portions of the dumps. Photos from KeweenawWeek 2002, Keweenaw Week 2003 and Keweenaw Week 2004. Be sure to check with the local residents for the status of various minewaste rock dumps and the persons to contact for permission to collect. The Seaman Museum - a MUST SEE, they have one of the largest displays of minerals in the country with anexcellent representation of minerals from the area. Plan a minimum of two hours (fora single quick pass through the collection) forthe visit. Other museums in theNational Historic district or area. Quincy Delaware Caledonia - primarily during Keweenaw Week(historical & collecting tours) Adventure - closed for 2004 - due to reopen for 2005. Use of a metal detector- It will be of use in finding buried pieces of copper and/or silver (especially on newly worked "poor rock" piles and the bulldozed piles during Keweenaw Week). The green/blueoxidation products do make the copper easily visible when on the surface after the mud and dust have been washed off by rain(against the red/brown of the country rock). Some of the rock shops have thesefor rent (approximately 2/3 of the participants of the Keweenaw Week field tripsuse detectors). Acknowledgements I would like to thank Erik Nordberg and the staff ofthe Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country HistoricalCollections for permission to reproduce photographs from their collections andalso for help in identifying postcards from my collection. It is extremelypleasurable to work with knowledgeable curators. I would also like to thank DanBehnke for permission to use his photographs of some small, but exquisite,mineral specimens from the Keweenaw. I would also like to thankStan Dyl and the staff at the Seaman Mineral Museum. List of additional References Heinrich, E. W. (revised G. W. Robinson) (2004) Mineralogy of Michigan - Seaman Museum. State mineralogy 252p. Heinrich, E. W. (2000)Mineralogy of Michigan Online version based on proposed 1981 revisions by author. Heinrich, E. W. (1976)Mineralogy of Michigan Michigan Geol Survey Bull 6, 225p
Scenery The stern rules of science may seem to compel the geologist to take littlenote of the merely picturesque features of the landscape, yet, called as he isto view them in their wildest character he cannot be altogether insensible tothe grandeur and majesty, or the variety and bloom of nature. The sublimemountainous scenery of the eastern states has been often and justly dwelt uponwith admiration, by both the geologist and the traveler. Little of the peninsulascenery partakes of the grandeur of primitive and more broken districts, butnone can fail to notice one superior charm, which more than compensates, in theeyes of those who are content to overlook the romantic aspect of the land, forthe consideration of its solid bounties. To the cultivator of the soil every consideration which its picturesque character presents will yield before the morepractical one of its fertility. But few could have traversed the varied portions of our state, over which myduties during the past season have led me, and compare their rich scenery will,that of more eastern lands, with any feeling of disappointment. The ordinarycharacter of the "openings" is that of a majestic orchard of statelyoaks, which is frequently varied by small prairies, grassy lawns and clearlakes. These magnificent groves were, until within a few years, kept freefrom underbrush by the passage through them of annual fires, allowingsuccessive growths of herbage to spring up luxuriantly, covering the surfacewith a profusion of wild flowers and verdure. The variety so essential in a landscape of woodland, glade and sheets ofwater, are here combined in a manner which seems the result of art, but which isnot less truly inimitable It is difficult to resist the impression that we aresurveying an old abode of civilization anal of tasteful husbandry. It resemblesthose exquisite pictures of park scenery, where the vision roams at will amongthe clumps of lofty oaks and over open glades, gemmed with flowers; while thedistant woodland bounds the horizon, and the velvet-skirted lake gleams upon theeye as it reflects to light from the open prairie, or is faintly visible fromthe bosom of the glen, reposing in silent loneliness. Such scenes, it is true, are destitute of the rough majesty of mountainaspects, but they have that all pervading, tranquil beauty which forsakes thelofty hill side and the hoary cliff. They present nature in her simpleloveliness, without any stern aspect and her masculine attire. She has bestowedher blessing upon the land, and spread over it her robes of beauty. The limits of an annual report, prevent more than this very meagre notice ofsome of the characteristics of our peninsula scenery. |
Sunrise, Portage Lake, Houghton. [Include:'../../../inc/footer.html'] |