American Mineralogist
717 Meta-aluminite, a new mineral from Temple Mountain, Utah
722 Hydrobasaluminitie and basaluminite in Cabaniss Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian), southeastern Kansas
733 Crystal chemistry of the basic manganese arsenate minerals: II. The crystal structure of allactite
742 The crystal structure of graftonite
751 Triclinic talc and associated amphiboles from Gouverneur mining district, New York
770 Distribution of iron cations in the crocidolite structure
777 The characterization of beryl and emerald by visible and infrared absorption spectroscopy
801 An examination of red beryl from Utah
807 Crystal structures of natural olivines
825 Hillocks on first-order prism faces of synthetic quartz
840 Crystal-chemical characterization of omphacites
869 The relationship between senaite, magnetoplumbite, and davidite
880 Subsolidus relations on the dolomite join, CaMg(CO3)2-CaFe(CO3)2-CaMn(CO3)2
890 Silicate apatites and oxyapatites
908 Order-disorder relationships of plagioclase in a porphyritic basalt flow
917 Kinetic and electron optical studies of the reaction processes between kaolinite and sodium carbonate
929 Aqueous solubility studies of high-alumina and clay minerals
943 Synthesis of the scandium analogue of beryl
954 Convolute zoning of plagioclase phenocrysts in Miocene volcanics from the western Santa Monica Mountains, California
963 On the relative scarcity of paragonite
975 Palygorskite from Atlantic deep sea sediments
984 Sepiolite from Pluvial Mound Lake, Lynn and Terry Counties, Texas
994 Distribution of elements between coexisting minerals and the nature of solid solution in garnet
1015 The study of clay minerals by small-angle X-ray scattering
1028 Electron diffraction data for some members of the metatorbernite group
1033 Low-angle X-ray diffraction maximum due to textural periodicity in heated gibbsite
1036 Synthesis of the grossularite-spessartite series
1038 Some experimental data on the stability of pumpellyite
1041 Mica periodotite, wyomingite, and associated potassic igneous rocks in northeastern Utah
1048 Mineralogy of a zoned replacement body from the Blue Mountain litchfieldite, Peterborough County, Ontario
1054 An X-ray background method for the determination of total iron in trioctahedral micas
1056 A technique for mounting, sectioning and polishing particles smaller than 30 microns in diameter
1057 Magnesium aluminum carbonate hydroxide tetrahydrate: A discussion
1059 Magnesium aluminum carbonate hydroxide tetrahydrate: A reply
1060 Morinite-apatite-whitlockite: A correction
1061 Pendletonite: A correction
1062 Thermal behavior of SiO2-X and its relation to the natural silica minerals: A correction
1063 New Mineral Names
1025 MINERALOGICAL NOTES: The crystal structure and the chemical composition of vauxite
1071 Notices
1067 Book Reviews
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.