American Mineralogist
685 Introduction to the Thompson issue
689 The nappe theory in the Connecticut Valley region: Thirty-five years since Jim Thompson’s first proposal
713 Relative scales of thermal- and fluid infiltration-driven metamorphism in fold nappes, New England, U.S.A.
728 Energy calculations bearing on biopyriboles
733 Bonding and elasticity of stishovite SiO2 at high pressure: Linearized augmented plane wave calculations
743 Local equilibrium in metasomatic processes revisited: Diffusion-controlled growth of chert nodule reaction rims in dolomite
756 Coronal reaction textures in garnet amphibolites of the Llano Uplift
773 Evolution of the Moon: Apollo model
785 Comparative liquidus equilibria of hypersthene-normative basalts at low pressure
801 Polysomatism and polysomatic series: A review and applications
827 Chromian spinels as petrogenetic indicators: Thermodynamics and petrological applications
848 Melting reactions in the Connemara Schists: The role of water infiltration in the formation of amphibolite facies migmatites
857 Carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of chlorite-zone rocks of the Waterville limestone, Maine, U.S.A.
867 Chlorite-bearing polymetamorphic metapelites in the Rangeley area, Maine: Evidence for equilibrium assemblages
880 Thermodynamic properties of pyrope and grossular from vibrational spectroscopy
892 Crystal chemistry and Mössbauer spectra of babingtonite
900 Pyroxene-pyroxenoid polysomatism revisited: A clarification
904 Scanning calorimetric measurement of heat capacity during incongruent melting of diopside
913 Gibbs energies and entropies of K-Na mixing for alkali feldspars from phase equilibrium data: Implications for feldspar solvi and short-range order
928 Al, Si exchange kinetics in sanidine and anorthoclase and modeling of rock cooling paths
942 Petrology of orthoamphibole-cordierite gneisses from the Orijärvi area, southwest Finland
956 Prograde amphibole dehydration reactions during high-grade regional metamorphism, central Massachusetts, U.S.A.
971 Exsolution of cummingtonite from glaucophane: A new orientation for exsolution lamellae in clinoamphiboles
985 An experimental determination of calcic amphibole solid solution along the join tremolite-tschermakite
1002 Highly aluminous hornblende from low pressure metacarbonates and a preliminary thermodynamic model for the Al content of calcic amphibole
1018 Observations of the α-β phase transition in quartz: A review of imaging and diffraction studies and some new results
1033 Vectors, components, and minerals
1038 Commentary on the sphalerite geobarometer
1052 Yoderite, a mineral with essential ferric iron: Its lack of occurrence in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O
1061 Serendibite in the Tayozhnoye deposit of the Aldan Shield, eastern Siberia, U.S.S.R.
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.