American Mineralogist
619 “””The professor”””
622 Intrusion relations of bahiaite from southern Norway
629 Metamorphosed mafic dikes of the Woodsville quadrangle, Vermont and New Hampshire
644 A simple technique for the study of the elasticity of crystals
651 The making of a magmatist
659 Composition and genesis of pyroxene and garnet related to Adirondack anorthosite and anorthosite marble contact zones
671 Camptonite dikes near Boulder Dam, Arizona
693 Quartz veins formed by metamorphic differentiation of aluminous schists
711 Petrography of the nickeliferous norite of St. Stephen, New Brunswick
728 Paragenesis of cummingtonite and hornblende from Muuruvesi, Finland
735 Synthetic quartzite
749 The aqueous emanation from Paricutin volcano
756 Studies of uranium minerals (V): phosphuranylite
764 Paragenesis of the rhodolite deposit, Masons Mountain, North Carolina
772 Petrogenesis of katungite and its associates
793 Childrenite-eosphorite series
806 The water content of primitive granitic magma
816 Radioactivity and mineral deposits
834 The Marysville granodiorite stock, Montana
845 Lead-uranium ratio and possible geologic age of allanite from Greenwich, Massachusetts
853 Geochemistry of tantalum in the Harding pegmatite, Taos County, New Mexico
867 Some hornfelses from Saxony and the problem of metamorphic facies
877 Fayalite at Rockport, Massachusetts
882 Remarks on crystallographic nomenclature
889 Structure and mineralogy of the Golconda pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
902 Determination of all principal indices of refraction on difficultly oriented minerals by direct measurement
906 The dark-field stereoscopic microscope for mineralogic studies
911 Miserite from Arkansas: a renaming of natroxonotlite
922 Rock-magma and rock-species
931 The Nababeep Near West tungsten mine, South Africa
941 On the temperature-pressure-concentration diagram for binary systems in which the only crystalline phases are the pure components
948 Melonite in Boulder County, Colorado
954 Published works by Esper S. Larsen, Jr., compiled by Mildred E. Fitz
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.