American Mineralogist
1005 A twinning study of cubic (β) silicon carbide
1011 The differential thermal analysis of cerussite
1024 Differential weathering of volcanic ash and pumice, resulting in formation of hydrated halloysite
1049 The synthesis and properties of a fluormica, intermediate between fluorotaeniolite and fluorhectorite
1055 Anthophyllite within albite-epidote hornfels facies, Fremont County, Colorado
1067 Kinetics of cesium reactions with some inorganic cation exchange materials
1079 Osarizawaite from Western Australia
1094 Lamprophyric dikes of the Burke area, Vermont
1111 Some direct measurements of the surface energy of quartz and orthoclase
1123 Graphic granite from the Ramona pegmatite district, California
1139 Mechanism of growth of hematite
1156 Experimental pseudomorphs: replacement of calcite by fluorite
1166 Boron substitution in synthetic micas and clays
1174 Recrystallization of fossil horse teeth
1184 Vacuum-firing and high-temperature replication of kaolinite
1187 Validity of tinticite
1189 Sand-barite, an analog of sand-calcite, Black Hills, South Dakota
1191 A new yttrian apatite enclosed in quartz from Naegi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
1195 Etching of synthetic fluorophlogopite
1201 Blue quartz from the Wind River Range, Wyoming
1203 Paragenesis of the Crockley pegmatite, Republic, Michigan
1205 Exomorphism around an aplite; pegmatite dike, Fetch, Michigan
1209 Quantitative determination of kaolinite by x-ray diffraction; a reply to G. W. Brindley and S. S. Kurtossy
1213 Quantitative determination of kaolinite by x-ray diffraction; a reply to H. W. van der Marel
1216 New Mineral Names
1181 Mineralogical Notes: Djurleite, Cu1.96S, a new mineral
1229 Notices
1224 Book Reviews
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.