American Mineralogist
869 Behavior of alkali feldspars: Crystallographic properties and characterization of composition and Al-Si distribution
891 Chloritoid-sillimanite assemblage from North Carolina
895 Myrmekite replacing albite in prograde metamorphism
900 Hydration of cordierite and hypersthene and a description of the retrograde orthoamphibole isograd in the Limpopo belt, South Africa
916 Ba-rich adularia from the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: Implications for a postcollisional hydrothermal system
924 Phase equilibria and crystallochemical properties of Mg-chlorite
937 Phase transitions in leucite (KAlSi2O6), orthorhombic KAlSiO4, and their iron analogues (KFeSi2O6, KFeSiO4)
946 Pyroxene exsolution in granulites from Fyfe Hills, Enderby Land, Antarctica: Evidence for 1000°C metamorphic temperatures in Archean continental crust
955 Mössbauer spectral study of ferruginous one-layer trioctahedral micas
966 Cathodoluminescence and minor elements in forsterites from extraterrestrial samples
971 Synthesis and characterization of tourmaline in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O5-H2O
977 High-pressure crystal chemistry of beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) and euclase (BeAlSiO4OH)
985 Jerrygibbsite-leucophoenicite mixed layering and general relations between the humite and leucophoenicite families
989 Variations in the framework structure of the zeolite ferrierite
999 Order-disorder phenomena in MgAl2O4 spinel
1007 Mo-MoO2 (MOM) oxygen buffer and the free energy of formation of MoO2
1011 Crystal structure of a Cu-bearing vesuvianite
1015 Electronic structure of Fe in some minerals, derived from iterative extended Hückel theory (IEHT), multiple scattering Xα (MS-Xα) calculations, and Mössbauer measurements
1022 Ammonioleucite, a new mineral from Tatarazawa, Fujioka, Japan
1028 Kimuraite, CaY2(CO3)4·6H2O a new mineral from fissures in an alkali olivine basalt from Saga Prefecture, Japan, and new data on lokkaite
1034 Rouseite, a new lead manganese arsenite from Långban, Sweden
1037 Synthesis, crystallographic and spectroscopic data, solubility, and electrokinetic properties of metakahlerite and its Mn analogue
1045 Kassite from the Diamond Jo quarry, Magnet Cove, Hot Spring County, Arkansas: The problem of cafetite and kassite
1049 Phase transitions in calcic plagioclase: A correction and further discussion
1051 MEMORIALS Memorial of Heinz Meixner
1053 Memorial of Richards A. Rowland
1055 Memorial of Peter Gay
1058 Memorial of George W. Brindley
Table of Contents
AmMin submission to acceptance/”first publication” is at a record average of about three to four months. Our acceptance to “final” publication is presently another 13 months on average.
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.