American Mineralogist

Volume 109, Issue no. 09 : September 2024


1653 Raman spectroscopy of the ilmenite–geikielite solid solution
Laura B. Breitenfeld, M. Darby Dyar, Leif Tokle, and Kevin Robertson

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MSA Presidential Address

1   MSA at 100 and why optical mineralogy still matters: The optical properties of talc
Mickey E. Gunter

1513 First widespread occurrence of rare phosphate chladniite in a meteorite, winonaite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 12510: Implications for phosphide phosphate redox buffered genesis in meteorites
Brendan A. Anzures, Francis M. McCubbin, Timmons M. Erickson, Ryan S. Jakubek, Marc D. Fries, and Loan Le

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1523 K isotopic fractionation in K-feldspar: Effects of mineral chemistry
Shanke Liu, Wenjun Li, Benxun Su, Qiqi Pan, Meng Yuan, and Patrick Asamoah Sakyi

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1535 Jarosite formation in Permian-Triassic strata at Xiakou (South China): Implications for jarosite precipitation from H2S upwelling on Mars
Hanlie Hong, Chen Liu, Thomas J. Algeo, and Elizabeth B. Rampe

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1545 The effect of A-site cations on charge-carrier mobility in Fe-rich amphiboles
Simone Bernardini, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Jochen Schlüter, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Boriana Mihailova

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1554 Calorimetry and structural analysis of uranyl sulfates with rare topologies
Samuel N. Perry, Arkin Kurama, Maximilian Martin, and Peter C. Burns

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1559 Biological control of ultra-skeleton mineralization in coral
Miaohong He, Wenfeng Deng, Xuefei Chen, Yanqiang Zhang, and Gangjian Wei

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1569 Systematic study of high field strength elements during liquid immiscibility between carbonatitic melt and silicate melt
Wanzhu Zhang, Shuo Xue, Ming-Xing Ling, and Xing Ding

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1578 Clustering and interfacial segregation of radiogenic Pb in a mineral host-inclusion system: Tracing two-stage Pb and trace element mobility in monazite inclusions in rutile
Rick Verberne, Steven M. Reddy, Denis Fougerouse, Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume, David W. Saxey, William D.A. Rickard, Zakaria Quadir, and Chris Clark

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1591 First application of scintillator-based photon-countingcomputed tomography to rock samples: Preliminary results and prospects
Ayumi Ishiguro, Makoto Arimoto, Daichi Sato, Takahiro Tomoda, Keita Itano, Akihiro Tamura, Hironori Sugiyama, Takeshi Kawae, Mayuko Fukuyama, Jun Kataoka, Shinsuke Terazawa, Satoshi Shiota, and Tomoaki Morishita

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1598 GCDkit.Mineral: A customizable, platform-independent R-language environment for recalculation, plotting, and classification of electron probe microanalyses of common rock-forming minerals
Vojtěch Janoušek, Colin M. Farrow, and Vojtěch Erban

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1608 Apatite as an archive of pegmatite-forming processes: An example from the Berry-Havey pegmatite (Maine, U.S.A.)
Encarnación Roda-Robles, Alfonso Pesquera, Pedro Pablo Gil-Crespo, William Simmons, Karen Webber, Alexander Falster, Jon Errandonea-Martin, and Idoia Garate-Olave

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1626 Re-examination of vesbine in vanadate-rich sublimaterelated associations of Vesuvius (Italy): Mineralogical features and origin
Annamaria Pellino, Giuseppina Balassone, Isabel Abad, Angela Altomare, Fabio Bellatreccia, Piergiulio Cappelletti, Aurelia Falcicchio, Nicola Mondillo, Richard Herrington, Cristiana Isè, Carmela Petti, and Mike Rumsey

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1646 Temperature and compositional dependences of H2O solubility in majorite
Dan Liu, Narangoo Purevjav, Hongzhan Fei, Anthony C. Withers, Yu Ye, and Tomoo Katsura

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Welcome to MSA/American Mineralogist Supplemental Materials. These are free to all readers. Discover extra tables, supplemental data, CIFs, appendices, extra figures, and in the future “methods sections”. To find previous issues, go to that Table of Contents and click on the link. We ask that all materials be cited so that credit is given to the authors and American Mineralogist. The pure datasets are not copyrightable. All other material is copyrighted by the authors.

American Mineralogist      Vol. 107, no. 1   January 2022

15    Boron isotope compositions establish the origin of marble from metamorphic complexes: Québec, New York, and Sri Lanka
Corinne Kuebler, Antonio Simonetti, Stefanie S. Simonetti, and Robert F. Martin

Item #AM-22-17811
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31    Celleriite, (Mn22+Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH), a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup
Ferdinando Bosi, Federico Pezzotta, Alessandra Altieri, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Paolo Ballirano, Gioacchino Tempesta, Jan Cempírek, Radek Škoda, Jan Filip, Renata Čopjaková, Milan Novák, Anthony R. Kampf, Emily D. Scribner, Lee A. Groat, and R. James Evans
Item #AM-22-17818
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54    Incorporation of incompatible trace elements into molybdenite: Layered PbS precipitates within molybdenite
Yiping Yang, Hongping He, Wei Tan, Qi Tao, Junming Yao, Haiyang Xian, Shangying Li, Jiaxin Xi, Jianxi Zhu, and Huifang Xu
Item #AM-22-17609
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74    Thermoelastic properties of zircon: Implications for geothermobarometry
Alix M. Ehlers, Gabriele Zaffiro, Ross J. Angel, Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran, Michael A. Carpenter, Matteo Alvaro, and Nancy L. Ross

Item #AM-22-17731
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82    A Rayleigh model of cesium fractionation in granite-pegmatite systems
David London
Item #AM-22-17855
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92    The atomic arrangement and electronic interactions in vonsenite at 295, 100, and 90 K
Marc Maderazzo, John M. Hughes, M. Darby Dyar, George R. Rossman, Brandon J. Ackley, Elizabeth C. Sklute, Marian V. Lupulescu, and Jeffrey Chiarenzelli
Item #AM-22-17851
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100    Oxalate formation by Aspergillus niger on minerals of manganese ores
Olga Frank-Kamenetskaya, Marina Zelenskaya, Alina Izatulina, Vladislav Gurzhiy, Aleksei Rusakov, and Dmitry Vlasov
Item #AM-22-17651
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116    Mesoproterozoic seafloor authigenic glauconite-berthierine: Indicator of enhanced reverse weathering on early Earth
Jianbai Ma, Xiaoying Shi, Maxwell Lechte, Xiqiang Zhou, Zhenfei Wang, Kangjun Huang, Maxim Rudmin, and Dongjie Tang
Item #AM-22-17904
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131    Chemical variability in vyacheslavite, U(PO4)(OH): Crystal-chemical implications for hydrous and hydroxylated U4+, Ca, and REE phosphates
Gwladys Steciuk, Radek Škoda, Veronika Dillingerová, and Jakub Plášil
Item #AM-22-17875
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138    Bennesherite, Ba2Fe2+Si2O7: A new melilite group mineral from the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel
Arkadiusz Krzątała, Biljana Krüger, Irina Galuskina, Yevgeny Vapnik, and Evgeny Galuskin
Item #AM-22-17747
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147    Single-crystal elasticity of phase Egg AlSiO3OH and δ-AlOOH by Brillouin spectroscopy
Baoyun Wang, Yanyao Zhang, Suyu Fu, Wei Yan, Eiichi Takahashi, Li Li, Jung-Fu Lin, and Maoshuang Song

Item #AM-22-18056
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Raman spectroscopy of the ilmenite–geikielite solid solution
Laura B. Breitenfeld, M. Darby Dyar, Leif Tokle, and Kevin Robertson

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Germanium distribution in Mississippi Valley-Type systems from sulfide deposition to oxidative weathering: A perspective from Fule Pb-Zn(-Ge) deposit, South China
Chen Wei, Max Frenzel, Lin Ye, Zhilong Huang, and Leonid Danyushevsky

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Characterization and potential toxicity of asbestiform erionite from Gawler Downs, New Zealand
Janki Prakash Patel, Martin Brook, Melanie Kah, Ayrton Hamilton, Maria Cristina Gamberini, Carlotta Zoboli, Enrico Mugnaioli, Daniele Malferrari, Riccardo Fantini, Rossella Arletti, and Alessandro F. Gualtieri

Open Access     Deposit Item



First widespread occurrence of rare phosphate chladniite in a meteorite, winonaite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 12510: Implications for phosphide phosphate redox buffered genesis in meteorites
Brendan A. Anzures, Francis M. McCubbin, Timmons M. Erickson, Ryan S. Jakubek, Marc D. Fries, and Loan Le

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K isotopic fractionation in K-feldspar: Effects of mineral chemistry
Shanke Liu, Wenjun Li, Benxun Su, Qiqi Pan, Meng Yuan, and Patrick Asamoah Sakyi

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Jarosite formation in Permian-Triassic strata at Xiakou (South China): Implications for jarosite precipitation from H2S upwelling on Mars
Hanlie Hong, Chen Liu, Thomas J. Algeo, and Elizabeth B. Rampe

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The effect of A-site cations on charge-carrier mobility in Fe-rich amphiboles
Simone Bernardini, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Jochen Schlüter, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Boriana Mihailova

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Calorimetry and structural analysis of uranyl sulfates with rare topologies
Samuel N. Perry, Arkin Kurama, Maximilian Martin, and Peter C. Burns

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Biological control of ultra-skeleton mineralization in coral
Miaohong He, Wenfeng Deng, Xuefei Chen, Yanqiang Zhang, and Gangjian Wei

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Systematic study of high field strength elements during liquid immiscibility between carbonatitic melt and silicate melt
Wanzhu Zhang, Shuo Xue, Ming-Xing Ling, and Xing Ding

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Clustering and interfacial segregation of radiogenic Pb in a mineral host-inclusion system: Tracing two-stage Pb and trace element mobility in monazite inclusions in rutile
Rick Verberne, Steven M. Reddy, Denis Fougerouse, Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume, David W. Saxey, William D.A. Rickard, Zakaria Quadir, and Chris Clark

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First application of scintillator-based photon-countingcomputed tomography to rock samples: Preliminary results and prospects
Ayumi Ishiguro, Makoto Arimoto, Daichi Sato, Takahiro Tomoda, Keita Itano, Akihiro Tamura, Hironori Sugiyama, Takeshi Kawae, Mayuko Fukuyama, Jun Kataoka, Shinsuke Terazawa, Satoshi Shiota, and Tomoaki Morishita

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GCDkit.Mineral: A customizable, platform-independent R-language environment for recalculation, plotting, and classification of electron probe microanalyses of common rock-forming minerals
Vojtěch Janoušek, Colin M. Farrow, and Vojtěch Erban

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Apatite as an archive of pegmatite-forming processes: An example from the Berry-Havey pegmatite (Maine, U.S.A.)
Encarnación Roda-Robles, Alfonso Pesquera, Pedro Pablo Gil-Crespo, William Simmons, Karen Webber, Alexander Falster, Jon Errandonea-Martin, and Idoia Garate-Olave

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Re-examination of vesbine in vanadate-rich sublimaterelated associations of Vesuvius (Italy): Mineralogical features and origin
Annamaria Pellino, Giuseppina Balassone, Isabel Abad, Angela Altomare, Fabio Bellatreccia, Piergiulio Cappelletti, Aurelia Falcicchio, Nicola Mondillo, Richard Herrington, Cristiana Isè, Carmela Petti, and Mike Rumsey

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Temperature and compositional dependences of H2O solubility in majorite
Dan Liu, Narangoo Purevjav, Hongzhan Fei, Anthony C. Withers, Yu Ye, and Tomoo Katsura

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Germanium distribution in Mississippi Valley-Type systems from sulfide deposition to oxidative weathering: A perspective from Fule Pb-Zn(-Ge) deposit, South China
Chen Wei, Max Frenzel, Lin Ye, Zhilong Huang, and Leonid Danyushevsky

Item#: AM-24-99106
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Characterization and potential toxicity of asbestiform erionite from Gawler Downs, New Zealand
Janki Prakash Patel, Martin Brook, Melanie Kah, Ayrton Hamilton, Maria Cristina Gamberini, Carlotta Zoboli, Enrico Mugnaioli, Daniele Malferrari, Riccardo Fantini, Rossella Arletti, and Alessandro F. Gualtieri

Item#: AM-24-99184
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First widespread occurrence of rare phosphate chladniite in a meteorite, winonaite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 12510: Implications for phosphide phosphate redox buffered genesis in meteorites
Brendan A. Anzures, Francis M. McCubbin, Timmons M. Erickson, Ryan S. Jakubek, Marc D. Fries, and Loan Le

Item#: AM-24-99195
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K isotopic fractionation in K-feldspar: Effects of mineral chemistry
Shanke Liu, Wenjun Li, Benxun Su, Qiqi Pan, Meng Yuan, and Patrick Asamoah Sakyi

Item#: AM-24-99006
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Jarosite formation in Permian-Triassic strata at Xiakou (South China): Implications for jarosite precipitation from H2S upwelling on Mars
Hanlie Hong, Chen Liu, Thomas J. Algeo, and Elizabeth B. Rampe

Item#: AM-24-99062
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The effect of A-site cations on charge-carrier mobility in Fe-rich amphiboles
Simone Bernardini, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Jochen Schlüter, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Boriana Mihailova

Item#: AM-24-99138
Online Material zipped


Calorimetry and structural analysis of uranyl sulfates with rare topologies
Samuel N. Perry, Arkin Kurama, Maximilian Martin, and Peter C. Burns

Item#: AM-24-99133
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Biological control of ultra-skeleton mineralization in coral
Miaohong He, Wenfeng Deng, Xuefei Chen, Yanqiang Zhang, and Gangjian Wei

Item#: AM-24-99134
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Systematic study of high field strength elements during liquid immiscibility between carbonatitic melt and silicate melt
Wanzhu Zhang, Shuo Xue, Ming-Xing Ling, and Xing Ding

Item#: AM-24-99093
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Clustering and interfacial segregation of radiogenic Pb in a mineral host-inclusion system: Tracing two-stage Pb and trace element mobility in monazite inclusions in rutile
Rick Verberne, Steven M. Reddy, Denis Fougerouse, Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume, David W. Saxey, William D.A. Rickard, Zakaria Quadir, and Chris Clark

Item#: AM-24-99085
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First application of scintillator-based photon-countingcomputed tomography to rock samples: Preliminary results and prospects
Ayumi Ishiguro, Makoto Arimoto, Daichi Sato, Takahiro Tomoda, Keita Itano, Akihiro Tamura, Hironori Sugiyama, Takeshi Kawae, Mayuko Fukuyama, Jun Kataoka, Shinsuke Terazawa, Satoshi Shiota, and Tomoaki Morishita

Item#: AM-24-99099
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GCDkit.Mineral: A customizable, platform-independent R-language environment for recalculation, plotting, and classification of electron probe microanalyses of common rock-forming minerals
Vojtěch Janoušek, Colin M. Farrow, and Vojtěch Erban

Item#: AM-24-99032
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Re-examination of vesbine in vanadate-rich sublimaterelated associations of Vesuvius (Italy): Mineralogical features and origin
Annamaria Pellino, Giuseppina Balassone, Isabel Abad, Angela Altomare, Fabio Bellatreccia, Piergiulio Cappelletti, Aurelia Falcicchio, Nicola Mondillo, Richard Herrington, Cristiana Isè, Carmela Petti, and Mike Rumsey

Item#: AM-24-99126
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Temperature and compositional dependences of H2O solubility in majorite
Dan Liu, Narangoo Purevjav, Hongzhan Fei, Anthony C. Withers, Yu Ye, and Tomoo Katsura

Item#: AM-24-99130
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American Mineralogist is an international journal that publishes mineralogical papers of broad interest to the geoscience and materials science community.