These are short pegmatite-related articles that present more text than images.
Click on the thumbnails to view the larger images or to download a PDF of the articles.
Much ado about Tantalum. Again., by Richard Burt**, Consultant. Elora, Canada in pdf format. (2.1 MB)
Tantalum was first isolated as a discrete element in 1802, by Anders Ekeberg, who wrote “This metal I call tantalum … partly in allusion to its incapacity, when immersed in (many) acids, to absorb any and be saturated” – a reference to Greek mythology, where Tantalus, as a punishment for several heinous acts, was condemned to stand in water, under a fruit tree, but never be able to reach the fruit nor drink the water.
Compared to the ‘major’ metals, the tantalum industry is tiny: total world mine production rarely exceeds 2000 metric tonnes of contained Ta2O5 a year, which equates to an annual value, at today’s prices, of about US$300 million, less than 1% of the value of world’s copper output.
Tantalum is not traded on the L.M.E. – or any other exchange. Prices are set – either on long term contracts, or parcel by parcel – between miner or trader and processor, on a confidential basis. Even the industry body, the Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center which collects, collates and publishes data on volumes of material as it passes through the supply chain, is by its mandate, and for anti-trust reasons, prohibited from collecting, publishing, or even discussing current and future prices.
There are relatively few industrial mines. Classically these sold their output to only a handful of chemical processors (colloquially often known as smelters). In addition, a not insignificant amount of material is won by artisanal means. Here the rough product passes through several hands that upgrade and blend small packages, prior to international traders selling these to the processors. None of these artisanal mines are, of themselves, of any significance, but as a whole they make up an important part of the market, in that they can come ‘on stream’ or shut down at a moment’s notice. Processors sell their product to a variety of customers who fabricate it into something else (for example, capacitors, bar, rod, etc.) which are then sold to manufacturers for integration into their products.
Market confidentiality, artisanal mining, convoluted supply chain. Add to this, that one of tantalum’s major uses is in the electronics industries, and it is little surprise that a decade or so back some civil societies decided the tantalum used in cell phones would be the ideal target for their campaigns to alert the 1st world to the horrendous civil strife in central Africa. Right campaign, wrong target, as this paper will show. The paper will also show that, while industrial mine production dropped dramatically after the 2008 recession, it is recovering, as old mines are restarting and new ones are close to coming on stream.
**Richard Burt worked in the Cornish tin mining industry for 12 years before emigrating to Canada in 1977. From 1977 to 2007 he was Mill Superintendent, then, from 1983, General Manager at Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada (Tanco). He subsequently moved to Tanco’s parent company, Cabot Corporation. as Director of Mineral Development, with a world-wide mandate primarily involved in tantalum at that time. In 2002 he set up his own consultancy, specialising in gravity concentration and various aspects of the tantalum industry, with an international client list. Burt was awarded the Selwyn Blaylock Medal in 1998 for services to Canadian industry. He was an overseas member of the council of the IMM 1998-2003 and president of the Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center from 2009-11. Since 2009 he has been heavily involved in the central African conflict minerals issue.
New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook: Rare Earth Bearing-minerals of the Petaca District, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, by Michael N. Spilde, Steve Dubyk, Brian Salem, and William P. Moats
in pdf format. (713 KB)
Power Point presentation: Rare and Unusual Minerals from the Petaca Pegmatite District of New Mexico, by Michael N. Spilde, Brian Salem, Steve Dubyk, and William P. Moats
in pdf format. (3.2 MB)
Ten pegmatites were sampled across the Petaca District of northern New Mexico. Samples were analyzed by electron microprobe to identify composition and mineral type and to determine the presence of rare earth elements (REE). Monazite-(Ce) is present throughout the district and contains significant enrichment of Th, in addition to Ce and other light REE. Thorite and xenotime were found to be enriched in moderately heavy REE. Zircon, while not high in REE, contained significant Hf. Samples of Y- REE- Ta- Nb- Ti oxides were analyzed and then classified using statistical analysis into polycrase(Y), euxenite-(Y), and samarskite-(Y). Polycrase is a new mineral for the state. Samples of columbite-tantalite group minerals were analyzed and found to be columbite-(Mn). Based on the mineralogy of these pegmatites, they can be classified as NYF pegmatites and are likely derived from shallow A- or I-type granite bodies not yet exposed in the region.
Poster: Mineral geochemistry and petrogenesis of granitic pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra area (Spain and Portugal), by Vieira, R., Roda-Robles, E., Pesquera, A., and Lima, A.
Poster: Mineral geochemistry and petrogenesis of granitic pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra area (Spain and Portugal) in pdf format:
Vieira_et_al_Hutton_2011 (12.4 MB)
The Fregeneda-Almendra pegmatite field (Spain-Portugal) is characterized by the occurrence of numerous pegmatites of different types. Most of these pegmatites are barren, but Li- and/or Sn-rich bodies are also abundant in the northern part of the field. These pegmatites intruded mainly the Schist- Greywacke Complex, north of the syn- to late-Variscan Mêda-Penedono-Lumbrales leucogranite complex (MPL). They show a zonal distribution with the degree of evolution increasing northwards relative to the MPL. In order to shed light on the genetic relationships between granites and pegmatites in the FA field, representative micas from the muscovite-lepidolite series were separated from the different pegmatite types, as well as from the MPL granitic complex and from another granite detected by drills in the north of the area. These mica samples have been used to date their hosting rocks by the step-heating 40Ar/39Ar method. Moreover, a geochemical modelization has been made in order to define the possible evolutionary trends, and the petrogenetic affiliation of the different pegmatite types, as well as the relationships between the pegmatites. A first event of pegmatite formation would be related to the crystallization of the syn- to late-D3 Variscan MPL granitic complex. The trace-element modeling shows that lower rates of fractional crystallization, from a melt with similar composition to the MPL, would originate the barren intragranitic pegmatites and the granitic apophysis that outcrop close to the MPL, whereas higher degrees of fractional crystallization would be related to the origin of the Sn-rich dykes of the Feli open pit. These bodies, with plateau ages ranging between 300.0 ± 3.5 to 304.8 ± 4.4 Myr, intruded S3 tectonic foliations (N100-120E) and are connected to the Variscan polyharmonic folding and to the MPL emplacement. The generation of some conformable metamorphic and granitic-pegmatitic segregations that outcrop in the proximities of the MPL, considered to form part of the Alamo Complex, would be coetaneous or preceding this process. The discordant intermediate and the Li-rich pegmatites represent highly differentiated melts, enriched in rare-elements, especially lithium. They infill late-tectonic Variscan sinistral structures (NNE-SSW and NE-SW), with plateau ages ranging from 295.1 ± 4.2 to 296.4 ± 3.5 Myr. The trace-element modeling demonstrate that these pegmatites would be related to high rates (≥ 90%) of fractional crystallization from melts with compositions analogous to the late- to post-D3 Variscan granites, e.g., Saucelle or Villar de Ciervo granites, respectively. However, the difference of 10 Myr in the age between the late-D3 Variscan granites and these pegmatites, exclude those granites as potential generators of the Li-rich pegmatites. Accordingly, the evolved pegmatites could be related to a late-Variscan (300 to 280 Myr) non-outcropping granite as a result of high rates (≥ 90%) of fractional crystallization.
The 5th International Symposium on the Granitic Pegmatites, Mendoza, Argentina, February 20-27, 2011
The 5th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites was held in Mendoza, Argentina. There were 4 invited speakers: D. London, R. Martin, M. Novak and W. Simmons, 29 oral conferences and 26 posters all related to different pegmatology disciplines: mineralogy (28), geochemistry (10), petrology and petrogenesis (21). The 125 authors, representing 5 continents, sent their contributions and more than half of them attended the symposium. The second day of the conference was dedicated to celebrate and honor the life-long academic path of Dr. Petr Cerny.
There was a post-symposium Field Trip (February 24-27) to the San Luis ranges, which permitted the observation, discussion and sampling of different types of granitic pegmatites outcropping in the southern districts of the Pampean pegmatite province. Part of the field trip consisted in the visit to the Milling plant where feldspar and quartz from different pegmatites of the region are processed: P G La Toma. There was a guided visit to the plant.
Technical Program, Contributions, and Field Trip Guidebook in pdf format:
Contributions to the 5th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites (21.4 MB)
Field Trip Guidebook – Granitic Pegmatites of the San Luis Ranges (5.2 MB)</p?
Field Course on the Rare Element Pegmatites of Madagascar, June 11 – 22, 2001, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Organized by Museum of Natural History, Milan (Italy), University of New Orleans, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics (LA – USA) Direction of the Geological Survey, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Antananarivo (Madagascar) with the collaboration of ATPEM (Assistance Technique aux Petits Exploitants Miniers), Direction des Mines et de la Géologie, Antananarivo (Madagascar) Gondwana Gems, Antananarivo (Madagascar). Organizing Co-Sponsors: S.N.T.P. International, Group CFE, Antananarivo (Madagascar). UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP.
Technical Program And Field Trip Guidebook in pdf format: text (194K)
figures 1-5 (173K) figures 6-11 (203K)
The new discovery of a LCT pegmatite in the Adamello massif, Central Southern Alps, Italy.
by Federico Pezzotta & Alessandro Guastoni, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 20121 Milan, Italy.
in pdf format: text + 1 figure (64K)
Active Gem Mining at the Cryo Genie Pegmatite Mine, southern California
by Jim Clanin, JC Mining (Reports 1-8); Kenneth L. Gochenour (Report 9)
in pdf format:
Report 1 (Aug 1, 2002): text + 3 figures (180K)
Report 2 (Sept 1, 2002): text (56K)
Report 3 (Sept 7, 2002): text + 2 figs. (108K)
Report 4 (Sept 13, 2002): text (48K)
Report 5 (Sept 21, 2002): text (83K)
Report 6 (Sept 29, 2002): text + 3 figs. (560K)
Report 7 (Oct 27, 2002): text + 2 figs. (150K)
Report 8 (Nov, 2002): text + 2 figs. (132K)
Report 9 (Sept, 2002): text + 4 figs. (180K)
The Anjahamiary pegmatite, Fort Dauphin area, Madagascar.
by Federico Pezzotta , Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 20121 Milan, Italy and Marc Jobin, SOMEMA, BP 6018, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar.
in pdf format: text + 2 figures + 4 photographs (64K)
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at the Cyro-Genie Gem Pegmatite Mine, San Diego County, California
by Jeffrey E. Patterson, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Mining continues through 2003 at the Cryo-Genie mine, near Warner Springs, California, and large, crystal-filled miarolitic cavities are still being discovered. To aid in the exploration for pockets, Jeffrey Patterson conducted a survey by ground penetrating radar (GPR), and his recently published report is available here in pdf format:
text 25 pages + 40 figs. (1.7 MB)
Patterson, J.E., 2003, Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at the Cryo-Genie Gem Pegmatite Mine, San Diego County, California, in: Murbach, M.L., and Hart, M.W., eds., Geology of the Elsinore Fault Zone, San Diego Region, San Diego Association of Geologists / South Coast Geological Society 2003 Field Trip Guide, Hot Springs and Tourmalines of Eastern San Diego County, Ô31, 45-62.
Spessartine from Navegador, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Etch or Growth Features?
by David London, School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 USA e-mail: dlondon@ou.edu.
in pdf format: text + 14 figures (1.8M)
Postscript: Spessartine from Navegador, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Etch or Growth Features?
in pdf format: text + 3 figures (258K)
Petrography and Geochemistry of the Li-F Granites and Aplite-Pegmatoid Banded Rocks of the Orlovka and Etyka Tantalum Deposits in the East Transbaikalia
by G.P. Zaraisky (1), R. Seltmann (2), V.V. Shatov (3), A.M. Aksyuk, Yu.B. Shapovalov (1), and V.Yu. Chevychelov (1)
(1) Institute of Experimental Mineralogy (IEM), Chernogolovka, Moscow District, Russia
(2) GeoForschungZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany
(3) All-Russia Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI), St. Petersburg, Russia
in pdf format: text + 5 figures (472K)
Exceptional Chiavennite Associated with Pezzottaite from the Sakavalana Pegmatite, Ambatovita, Madagascar
by Federico Pezzotta(1), Alessandro Guastoni(1), Herve Forner(2), Francesco Demartin(3), and Roy Kristiansen(4)
(1) Museo di Storia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 20121 Milano, Italy
(2) TRASPARENCE s.r.l., Ambatomaro, Antananarivo, Madagascar
(3) Dep. Chimica Strutturale e Stereochimica Inorganica, Universitý di Milano, Via G. Venezian 21, 20133 Milano, Italy
(4) P.O. Box 32, N-1650 Sellebakk, Norway
in pdf format: text + 6 figures (452K)
Crystallization Processes in Granitic Pegmatites
Internation Meeting, May 23-28, 2005
Cavoli, Elba Island, Italy
Federico Pezzotta
General Information (pdf) (344K)
List of Participants (pdf) (80K)
Field Program (pdf) (376K)
The full text of each abstract or extended abstract can be downloaded as a pdf file by clicking the abstract title.
- Contribution to the study of the petrogenesis of granitic pegmatites; the example of the LCT pegmatites of Elba Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). (124K pdf)) by F. Pezzotta
- First attempt to the petrogenesis and the classification of granitic pegmatites of the Itremo Region (central Madagascar) (136K pdf) by F. Pezzotta
- Structural study and cation distribution of elbaite-schorl tourmaline (184K pdf) by G. B. Andreozzi, F. Bosi, an dS. Luccesi
- A green dumortierite from Kutna Hora region, Czech Republic: spectroscopic and structural study (376K pdf) by J. Cempirek and M. Novak
- The Miocene anatectic-hybrid granite complex of Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy): about 2.5 million years of magmatic “attempts” in order to succeed to make a single LCT pegmatite field (120K pdf)by A. Dini1
- The boron (F-Li) rich Capo Bianco aplite (Elba Island, Italy): a snapshot of fluid separation processes during subvolcanic emplacement of a pegmatite-like magma (108K pdf) by A. Dini1
- Origin of the pegmatites in the Hoskin Lake pegmatite field, Florence Co., Wisconsin (128K pdf) by A. U. Falster, Wm. B. Simmons, and K. L. Webber
- Spodumene from granitic pegmatites of various genetic types: crystal chemistry and OH defects concentrations (168K pdf) by J. Filip, M. Novak, and R. Zboril
- The importance of metal complexes in pegmatitic fluids. An example: the formation of scandium minerals (76K pdf) by C. M. Gramaccioli, F. Demartin, and I. Campostrini
- Vigezzite and associated Nb-Ta Oxides of Emerald Pegmatitic Deposits of Vigezzo Valley (Western Alps, Italy) (508K pdf) by Alessandro Guastoni1, Valeria Diella, Federico Pezzotta, and Francesco Demartin
- Stability of the Alluaudite + Triphylite Paragenesis in Granitic Pegmatites, and First Experimental Evidence of Sodium Incorporation into Triphylite (120K pdf) by F. Hatert and A.-M. Fransolet
- Petrographic study of the Al-rich phosphate mineral associations of the Rubindi-Kabilizi pegmatite, Gatumba area, Rwanda. (100K pdf) by P. Lefervre, A.-M. Fransolet, F. Fontan, and P. Keller
- Barroso-Alvao Pegmatite-aplite Field: a case study in Northern Portugal (124K pdf) by T. C. Martins, A. M. C. Lima, and R. A. C. Vieira
- Metasomatic Alteration Products of Triphylite from the Palermo #2 Pegmatite, North Groton, New Hampshire (76K pdf) by James W. Nizamoff, W.B. Simmons, and A.U. Falster
- Andalusite + diaspore nodule in the quartz core from barren pegmatite at Doln’ Bory, Czech Republic: an example of primary crystallization from a sol-gel medium (108K pdf) by M. Novak and M.C. Taylor
- (Y,REE)-(Ti,Nb,Ta)-oxide minerals from NYF pegmatites of the Trebic Massif, Moldanubicum, Czech Republic; U/Th, Y/REE and Ta/Nb fractionation trends (120K pdf) by Skoda Radek and Novak Milan
- Chemistry and paragenesis of tourmaline from the Variscan Tormes Dome, Central Iberian Zone (Salamanca and Zamora Provinces, Spain): implications concerning granite and pegmatite evolution (88K pdf) by E. Roda-Robles, A. Pesquera, P. P. Gil1, J. Torres-Ruiz, and F. Fontan
- A Look at Pegmatite Classifications (280K pdf) by Skip Simmons
- The Sol-Gel Nature of Pegmatites (120K pdf) by M. C. Taylor
- The Rare Element (Li-Rich) Pegmatite-Aplite Veins of the Almendra – Souto Field (Vila Nova de Foz-Coa and Penedono – NE Portugal) (112K pdf) by R. Vieira & A. M. C. Lima
- Phosphates from Brissago granitic pegmatites (Canton Ticino-Switzerland) (96K pdf) by P. Vignola and V. Diella
- Rapid Conductive Cooling of Sheet-Like Pegmatites (100K pdf) by K. L. Webber, Wm. B. Simmons, and A. U. Falster
Recent Finds at the Crooker Pegmatite, Newry, Maine
Gary Freeman (Freeman Resources, LLC) has provided photos of recent mineral finds at the Crooker mine. The Crooker is one of several granitic pegmatites on Plumbago Mountain, Newry, Oxford County, Maine, USA, that has century-long history of producing rare minerals and gem crystals from cavities. Gary began mining the Crooker in the late fall of 2020, and since that time he has hit multiple pockets containing remarkable quantities of well formed amblygonite-montebrasite crystals. The fluorine content of crystals from the nearby Spodumene Brook location put that material slightly on the montebrasite side of the solid solution, and the Crooker specimens are being referred to as montebrasite as well. The oxides pictured include cassiterite and a niobotantalate that is manganotantalite based on x-ray fluorescence analysis by Al Falster (Maine Mineral & Gem Museum). Some transparent blue-green tourmaline has also been recovered.
Recent Finds From the Dudley Granite-Pegmatite Body, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
(Text by David London)
Rob Cameron (ebonyridge@hotmail.com), the exploration manager for South Australia Lithium, and Patrick Gundersen (patrick@folk-stone.com), a gem prospector, have provided the following information and photos of recent finds (2015-2019) at the Dudley granite-pegmatite, located at the northeast end of the Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, South Australia (Figure 1). Outcrop is poor (Figure 2), however surface vestiges of the dikes (Figure 3) are traceable for kilometers on strike and meters across. The area is deeply weathered and has been a source of kaolin in the past (see the attached article by Bridget Jolly). Another recent account by Geoffrey Chapman can be found at the website of the Kangaroo Island Pioneers Association (https://www.kipioneers.org/contributions). Both reports indicate that the area has a long history of exploitation for kaolin and feldspar, and that the discovery of gem-quality tourmaline goes back to the turn of the 20th century. Lithium Australia (https://www.lithium-au.com/) has posted a preliminary survey and assessment of their former leases (attached). The tracts once leased by Lithium Australia are now held by South Australia Lithium.
Mr. Cameron reports that the coarsely pegmatitic portion of the body contains a spodumene-bearing zone. The spodumene found at surface is heavily altered. With the aid of an excavator, Mr. Gundersen uncovered miarolitic cavities lined with smoky quartz crystals along the roof, and with tourmaline along the floor. The cavities are said to be in a granitic material (Figure 4) that is not the same as a layered aplitic body that is associated with the pegmatite. Within the decomposed granite, Mr. Gundersen encountered a body of coarse muscovite that heralded underlying miarolitic cavities. Mr. Gundersen’s finds from 2019 and previous visits include large smoky quartz crystals and gem-quality sections of tourmaline (Figure 5).
To put this find in context, Western Australia is home to many granitic pegmatites that have been mined for feldspar, lithium, tin, tantalum, and cesium. Occurrences of gem-quality minerals, however, are rare. Mark Jacobson (personal communication via email, October 2023) cited a half dozen other occurrences of gem minerals in pegmatites, mostly in WA. A plethora of granites from Victoria through New South Wales to Queensland do not have any associated pegmatites. Their mineralization is limited to tin-tungsten quartz veins. Gem-quality sapphire, ruby, and zircon are produced from near Inverness, NSW, but in these deposits the gem crystals occur as xenocrysts (inherited from other source rocks) in basalt. Australia is, of course, home to many diamond localities, the most famous of which is at Argyle, WA. Among the known pegmatitic sources, the deposits on Kangaroo Island appear to have considerable potential for gem tourmaline.
Contacting PIG – If you have news, notices, comments, or other information to post on this website, please send those in electronic formats only to
Dr. David London
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
E-Mail: dlondon@ou.edu