FROM THE ARCHIVES Crystallography Mineral Properties -
"The origins of color in minerals" K. Nassau (1978) -
"The coloring and thermoluminescence produced in transparent minerals and gems by radium radiation" S. Lind & D. Bardwell (1923) -
"The cause of color in smoky quartz and amethyst" E. Holden (1925) -
"Types of coloring in minerals " T. Kennard & D. Howell (1941) -
""Blue Dragon" basalt from Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho: Origin of color" G. Faye & R. Miller (1973) -
"Optical spectroscopy of green vanadium apophyllite from Poona, India" G. Rossman (1974) -
"Coloring mechanisms in celestite" L. Bernstein (1979) -
"Monazite from North Carolina having the alexandrite effect" L. Bernstein (1983) -
"Titanium and the color of staurolite" C. Ward (1984) -
"Origin and significance of blue coloration in quartz from Llano rhyolite (llanite), northcentral Llano County, Texas" M. Zolensky et. al. (1988) -
"Origin of color in cuprian elbaite from São José de Batalha, Paraíba, Brazil" G. Rossman, E. Fritsch, J. Shigley (1991) -
"On the cause of asterism in star corundum" K. Nassau (1968) -
"Image projection by fibrous minerals"G. Baur, W. Larsen L. Sand (1957) -
"Tubular voids within labradorite phenocrysts from Sonora, Mexico" J. Gutmann (1974) -
"Manganese and lead as coactivators of red fluorescence in halite" K. Murata & R. Smith (1946) -
"Experiments in x-ray irradiation of gem stones" F. Pough & T. Rogers (1947) -
"Some factors influencing fluorescence in minerals" D. McDougall (1952) -
"The "microhardness" of minerals comprising the Mohs scale" H. Hodge & J. McKay (1934) -
"Variation of hardness in the diamond" E. Kraus & C. Slawson (1939) -
"The grinding hardness of diamond in aprincipal cutting direction" R. Denning (1957) -
"The Knoop microhardness tester as a mineralogical tool" H. Winchell (1945) Mineral Specimens Minerals -
"Apatite crystals with colored cores in Victorian granitic rocks" G. Baker (1941) -
"Aphthitalite from Kilauea" H. Washington & H. Merwin (1921) -
"An unusual hourglass structure in augite" J. Preston (1966) -
"Crystallographic notes: cahnite, stolzite, zincite, ultrabasite" C. Palache (1941) -
"Canbyite, a new mineral" A. Hawkins & V. Shannon (1924) -
"Chalcopyrite crystals from the Bergen Archways" (1919) -
"Darkening of cinnabar in sunlight" R. Dreyer (1938) -
"Identification of diamond in the Canyon Diablo iron" C. Ksanda & E. Henderson(1939) - meteorites -
"An X-ray study of the domeykite group" L. Ramsdell (1929) -
"Euclase from Santa do Encoberto, Minas Gerais, Brazil " G. Graziani G. Guidi (1980) -
"Gold crystals from the Southern Appalachians" S. Taber (1942) -
"Gratonite-preliminary description of a new mineral from Cerro de Pasco, Peru" C. Palache & D. Fisher (1939) -
"Hetaerolite from the Rodnabase metal ore deposit: A new occurrence" G. Udubasa et. al. (1973) -
"The hydration of kernite" S. Muessig R. Allen (1957) -
"Twisted millerite crystals" A. Hawkins (1933) -
"Authigenic mitridatite from the Shungura Formation, southwestern Ethiopia" R. Rogers & F. Brown (1979) -
"Natural α-silicon carbide" J. Bauer et al (1963)(moissanite) -
"Rock-forming moissanite (natural α-silicon carbide)" S. Di Pierro et. al. (2003) -
"A new occurrence and x-ray study of mosesite" P. Bird (1932) -
"Fibrous intergrowths of cross muscovite and cross chlorite from shear zones ofPennsylvanian carbonaceous rocks in Rhode Island" M. Rutstein (1979) -
"Priceite from Furnace Creek, Inyo County, California" W. Foshag (1924) -
"Absence of pyrite from certain zeolite localities" J. Lewis (1916) -
"Fibrous pyrite from the lead-zinc districtof Illinois" K. Born (1934) -
"Notes on the triclinic pyroxenes" A. Winchell (1927) -
Quartz "Nomenclature of Silica" G. Hart (1927) "Natural History of Silica Minerals" A. Rogers (1928) "Geology of quartz crystal deposits" R. Stoiber, C. Tolman, R. Butler (1945) "Iris Agate" Jones (1952) "Characters of quartz fibers" C. Frondel (1978) -
"The light-induced alteration ofrealgar to pararealgar" Douglass et al. (1992) -
"Composition, specific gravity and refractive indices of rhodochrosite ; rhodochrosite from Butte, Montana" R. Wayland (1942) -
"Primary native silver ores at Batopilas, Mexico, and Bullard's Peak,NewMexico" P. Krieger (1935)(pdf) -
"Cuprian sphalerite and a probable copper-zinc sulfide, Cachiyuyo de Llampos, Copiapó, Chile" A. Clark & R. Sillitoe (1970) -
"Sulfide Phase Equilibria" J. Craig & S. Scott (1974) Short Course Notes #1. -
"Identification of the commoner tellurides" F. Galbraith (1940) -
"Triplite crystals from Colorado" C. Wolfe & E. Heinrich (1947) -
"Xanthoconite and associated minerals from the General Petite mine, Atlanta district, Idaho" E. Shannon (1928) -
"Native zinc and α-Cu,Zn from Mina Dulcinea de Llampos, Copiapó, Chile" A. Clark & R. Sillitoe (1970) -
"Zunyite from Guatemala" C. Palache (1932) -
Miscellaneous Notes (1921-1928) Gemstones Fossils Localities - United States -
"Famous mineral localities: Mt. Mica, Mt. Apatite and other localities in Maine" J. Manchester & W. Bather (1918) -
"The chrysoberyl pegmatite of Hartford, Maine" C. Palache (1924) -
"The paragenesis of the granite pegmatites of central Maine" K. Landes (1925) "Quartz pseudomorphs" C. Palache & K. Landes (1925) -
"On the origin of some pegmatites in the town of Newry, Maine" B. Shaub (1940) -
"The geology and paragenesis of the Lord Hill pegmatite" H. Woodward (1951) -
"The granite of Conway, New Hampshire, and its druse minerals" J. Gillson (1927) -
"A mineralogical pilgrimage thru Connecticut" C. Hoadley (1917) -
"The old cobalite mine in Chatham, Conn." E. Shannon (1921) -
"The old tungsten mine in Trumbull, Connecticut" E. Shannon (1921) -
"Mineral localities in the vicinity of Middletown, Connecticut" W. Foye (1922) -
"The Branchville, Connecticut, Pegmatite" V. Shainin (1946) -
"Notes on the mineral localities of Rhode Island I. Providence county" Fisher & Gedney (1926) -
"Notes on the mineral localities of Rhode Island Part II remaining counties" Fisher & Doll (1927) -
"Some crystal localities in St. Lawrence county, New York" W. Miller (1921) -
Franklin, New Jersey "Mineralogical notes on Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey" C. Palache (1928) "The phosphorescence and fluorescence of Franklin minerals" C. Palache (1928) "Larsenite, Calcium-larsenite and the associated minerals at Franklin, New Jersey" C. Palache, L. Bauer, H. Berman (1928) "Friedelite, Schallerite, and related minerals" L. Bauer & H. Berman (1928) "Norbergite from Franklin, New Jersey" E. Larsen, L. Bauer, H. Berman (1928) "The origin of the zinc deposits at Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey" W. Tarr (1929) " Contributions to the mineralogy of Sterling Hill, New Jersey: Morphology of graphite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and arsenic" C. Palache (1941) -
"The minerals of the Bergen Archways" J. Manchester (1919) NJ Zeolites -
"A fulgurite from South Amboy, New Jersey" W. Myers & A. Peck (1925) -
"The P. M. S. excursion to Falls of French Creek" H. Trudell (1916) -
"Famous mineral localities. 3. Amelia Court House, Virginia" S. Gordon (1918) -
"Unusual feldspar crystals at Moneta,Virginia" J. Benn (1932) -
"Magnet Cove Arkansas and vicinity" W. Haltom (1929) -
"A paragenetic classification of the Magnet Cove minerals" K. Landes (1931) -
"Minerals of the saline domes of the Texas-Louisiana coastal Plain" Hawkins (1918) -
"The Barringer Hill, Texas, Pegmatite" K. Landes (1932) -
"Euhedral orthoclase crystals from Sierra Blanca, Texas" J. Lonsdale (1927) -
"Mirabilite from the Isle Royale Copper Mine, Houghton, Michigan" A. Peck (1917) -
"The origin of the mirabilite from the Isle Royale Mine" A. Lane (1917) -
"Eakleite from Isle Royale, Michigan" W. Foshag & E. Larsen (1922) -
"Some unusual specimens of 'float' copper" E. Kraus (1924) - Michigan -
"Some minerals of the Keweenawan copper deposits: Pumpellyite, a new mineral; sericite; saponite" C. Palache & H. Vassar (1925) -
"An Illinois record copper erratic" A. Crook (1929) -
"An unusual occurrence of halite" K. Spiroff (1937) -
"Microcline in the native copper deposits of Michigan" I. Klein (1939) -
"Paramelaconite and associated minerals from the Algomah mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan" S. Williams (1962) -
"Crystals of rammelsbergite and algodonite" S. Williams (1963) -
"Anthonyite and calumetite, two new minerals from the Michigan copper district" S. Williams (1963) -
"Copper-nickel arsenides of the Mohawk No. 2 mine, Mohawk, Keweenaw Co., Michigan" P.Moore (1971) -
"Marcasite from the Racine dolomite, Racine, Wisconsin" C. Cook (1924) -
"Occurrence of Millerite at Milwaukee, Wisconsin" B. Bagrowski (1940) -
"Nickel minerals from near Linden, Iowa Co., Wisconsin" A. Heyl, C. Milton J. Axelrod (1959) -
"Notes on sand calcite from South Dakota" H. Wanless (1922) -
"The Black Hills Mineral Region" G. Schwartz (1928) -
"Pegmatite dikes of the Bridger Mountains, Wyoming" T. McLaughlin (1940) -
"Granite pegmatites of the Mt. Antero region, Colorado" G. Switzer (1939) -
"Fluorite-rare earth mineral pegmatites of Chaffee and Fremont counties, Colorado" E. Heinrich (1948) -
"Native tellurium from northwest of Silver City, New Mexico" G. Ballmer (1932) -
"Iceland spar in New Mexico" V. Kelley (1940) -
"An occurrence of witherite in the Altyn limestone at Many Glacier, Montana" M. Fuller (1924) -
Fairfield, Utah "The mineralogy and paragenesis of the varisite nodules from near Fairfield, Utah - part 1" E. Larsen 3d. (1942) "The mineralogy and paragenesis of the varisite nodules from near Fairfield, Utah - part 2" E. Larsen 3d. (1942) "The mineralogy and paragenesis of the varisite nodules from near Fairfield, Utah - part 3" E. Larsen 3d. (1942) -
"Some minerals of the Stanley antimony mine" E. Shannon (1918) -
"An Arizona gold nugget of unusual size" R. Heineman (1931) -
"Phosphate Minerals in the Castle Dome Copper Deposit, Arizona" N. Peterson (1947) -
"Barite and witherite from near El Portal, Mariposa County, California" A. Fitch (1931) -
Crestmore, California "Famous mineral localities: Crestmore, Riverside County, California" E. Eakle (1927) "Section across Commercial Quarry, Crestmore, California" A. Woodford et. al. (1941) "Crestmore sky blue marble, its linear thermal expansion and color " J. Rosenholtz and D. Smith (1950) -
"Famous mineral localities: Furnace Creek, Death Valley" W. Foshag (1924) -
"Crystallization phenomena in volcanic ejecta from Kilauea, Hawaii" R. Chapman (1947) Localities - World Meteorites Techniques Nomenclature History Presidential Addresses (History of Mineralogy & State of Art) Table of Contents to the AmericanMineralogist Page was last updated 06/15/2004 If you wish to receive email notice of additions to theon-line Archives or wish to suggest articles to be included please contact DavidVon Bargen [Include:'../../../inc/footer.html'] |